Short:        PDCOMM v2.50 - public domain comms routines
Author:       Paul Edwards (
Uploader:     LouiSe (louise louise amiga hu)
Type:         comm/misc
Version:      2.50
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Makefile for GCC is inserted by LouiSe


PDCOMM is a set of public domain comms routines (currently) for DOS, 
OS/2, Amigados, Unix and Windows/NT written by Paul Edwards
(, Matthew Parker, (ex-Fidonet 3:711/934.31), 
Michael Stapleton (ex-Fidonet 3:711/934.33) and Chris Moran, 
Fidonet 3:713/708.

They were written for DOS because I was trying to make my
COM3 port work, which used IRQ9, and I couldn't get my existing comms
package to work, and whilst I asked questions in fidonet
"newsgroup" AUST_AVTECH to find out why, I put what I learnt into 
code!  The latest version of this package is available from

For some examples of programs that use these routines, obtain DDC or
RSEND from 3:711/934.  The example programs provided in this package
simply send "ATZ\r\n" to the modem and print out the response ("OK"?).

Note that the "port string" should be either "COM2:02F8,3,19200" (for
example) under MSDOS, or "COM3:19200" (under OS/2).  There are some
other variations acceptable for OS/2.  Under AmigaDOS, the "port string"
should be like "serial.device,0,19200", where 0 is the unit number.