Short:        Gopher proxy for Interworks I-Net 225 and possibly others
Author: (Joanne Dow)
Type:         comm/net
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Freely distributable guiltware.
Uloader: (Joanne Dow)

Small gopher proxy for accessing gopher sites from other machines on your
local network via the machine also connected to the internet. It is accessed
from browsers such as AWeb and IBrowse often providing more complete access
to the gopher information than the browsers get directly.

This tool was designed to work with the Interworks I-net 225 stack. It may
also work with AmiTCP and others.

(It seems I was browsing the Voice of America pages one day and ran across
its extensive use of gopher pages for its news articles. Since gopher did
not go through the http proxy I used I simply built a gopherproxy to use.)

The gopherproxy is Copyright 1997 by Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs. All
rights are reserved. It may be freely distributed, however. If you really
like it send me email or join BIX.
