Short:        Ext. Emulators for terminalprogramms
Uploader:     utzinger amiga physik unizh ch
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Misc:         comm/term

                            about this archive:

This archive contains the newest/latest versions of
the following xem.libraries:

short description:

 xemascii.library   a pure and simple ascii/tty emulator..


 xemamiga.library   the amigas console.device embedded in an xem.lib..
                     it's 100% compatible because it uses the original..


 xembbs.library     a simple MS_ansi.sys compatible emulator..


 xemvt340.library   a DEC compatible terminal supporting:
                    - VT52, VT100, VT220, VT300 series.
                    - technical, graphics, iso, dec, us-ascii fonts/registers.
                    - display buffers full text AND text-styles.
                      (in the next release, it also supports page commands)
                    - selective erasing in line/display.
                    - very stable. (as far as I could test it..) 

                    In the next release:
                    - full page support.
                    - tex 4010/4014 support.
                    - less gurus. (if YOU send me bug-reports)

      DEC                 Amiga
      ---                 -----
      Arrow keys          Arrow keys
      PF1                 Numpad [ on Amiga 500/2000
      PF2                 Numpad ] on Amiga 500/2000
      PF3                 Numpad / on Amiga 500/2000
      PF4                 Numpad * on Amiga 500/2000

      F1 (Hold Screen)             F1
      F2 (Print Screen)            F2
 CTRL F2 (Auto Print)         CTRL F2
  ALT F2 (Print Controlled)    ALT F2
      F3 (Set Up)                  F3
      F4 (Data/Talk)               F4
      F5 (Send Break)              F5
 CTRL F5 (Send Answer)        CTRL F5
SHIFT F5 (Disconnect)        SHIFT F5

      F6 - F20            F6 - F20 on all Amigas
      HELP                Help on all Amigas
      DO                  Shifted-Help on all Amigas

      FIND                Shifted-Numpad 7 on all Amigas
      INSERT              Shifted-Numpad 8 on all Amigas
      REMOVE              Shifted-Numpad 9 on all Amigas
      SELECT              Shifted-Numpad 4 on all Amigas
      PREV SCREEN         Shifted-Numpad 5 on all Amigas
      NEXT SCREEN         Shifted-Numpad 6 on all Amigas


It also contains the includes you need to add
xem-support in your own terminal proggy..

This time, there no docs for the emulators, sorry.
As soon as I can I write them in german. I hope there
is someone that can translate it to english.

 Send bugreports/captures to:

  BB   Ueli