Short:        Dream - 3rd place at TIG 98 demo compo
Author:       Degeneration and Morbid Visions
Uploader:     darkcode sgol it
Type:         demo/aga
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

     ____                                                          _ __
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 .--|  _  Y    Y     Y    Y  \  Y    Y  _  Y  _  Y      Y__:     Y     |--.
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 |o  V   |o  |  )o  To |  )o  |o |  |:::.(.p.).:::::::.| /                 \
 |___!___|_____/|___!____/|___|\____|::::.\ (.:::::::::| RaGe AgAiNsT gAtEs!
  ----------      ):::::::.. ____ __  ___  )_)::. ___.:| \_________________/
  |Feel the|      |::::::::.(    |  \]___[ _____ ]___[_|___  ___ __  _____ 
  | DEATH  |      |:::::::::.\ , !   ),  |/,____)|,  |,  . \|,  \  \/,____)
  |inside! |      `-::,-::,---\o    /|o  (____  \|o  |o  |  )o      )___  \
  ----------        (:)  ~     \___/ |___(_______)___!_____/|___!___|______)
 WHQ: Extrema +39-861-413362


                             -- D R E A M --

                            released at TIG 98

      Corrosion	      - music
      The Dark Coder  - code
      Yure            - graphics
      Zeroha	      - code, graphics

      - 68020 or better CPU
      - AGA chipset
      - PAL compatible monitor
      Doctor Sam / Zero Defects
      Elven 11
      Figa Productions
      Paranoid / Zero Defects
      The Spooky Fellows
      NOTE 1:
      This production was originally planned to be an 64Kb intro. Due to 
      size problems we release it as demo, working hard on party place. 
      The graphic was painted faaast in a only day and the music is only 
      40kb long. So don't blame us for poor quality ;)

      NOTE 2:
      Alba is copyDEATH 1998 by Degeneration and Morbid Visions. All rights
      reserved. It is freely distributable. We are in no way responsable or
      liable for any loss of data, or damages to software or hardware that
      may result directly or indirectly from the use of this program.