Short: System friendly reflection mapping demo. Author: eddie (Adisak) Pochanayon Uploader: fintaeph io org (Chris Poirier) Type: Architecture: m68k-amigaos Short: A Multitasking realtime "Raytracing" Demo with source This demo simulates "Raytracing" by reflection mapping an image onto a ball that bounces around the screen. It is system friendly and multitasks and features "beaming effects", 3-d stars, and music (from MED) as well. To gain speed on slower machines, I have rewritten the main loop in ASM rather than leave it in C and I am double buffering the sprites (this doesn't gain any speed but keeps the sprites from getting "fingers" on the relection when the machine is running other software and slowing down). The demo runs extremely well on any accelerated Amiga but only at about 15-20 fps on a 68000 Amiga (this is due mainly to my extensive use of system routines to be system friendly). It still multitasks fine on my A 500 though. Anyhow, to exit press a key while the demo window is selected (yes, I use intuition windows and Screens in my demo and use an IDCMP port for input -- imagine that EuroCoders). For eurocoders and other hackers, this is a good example of "CLEAN" demo writing code including the system friendly way to do copperlists, blitter accesses, attached sprites, and more... Anyhow, good example in C and ASM. ---------------------------------- CUT HERE ---------------------------------- Jeez!!! It never fails, get in the tub and there's a rub at the lamp! -- The Genie from Aladdin. eddie (Adisak) Pochanayon Check out all of SilverFox SoftWare's Releases.... your Amiga entertainment. ---------------------------------- CUT HERE ----------------------------------