Short:        Use MUI from AMOSPro
Author: (Paul Hickman)
Uploader:     ph doc ic ac uk (Paul Hickman)
Type:         dev/amos
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                               AMOSPro MUI Demo
         By Paul Hickman ( - This code is Freeware                               

MUI-DEMO.AMOS              The Demo program - Load & Read & Run

Hook.s                     Source code for the hook dispatcher in Bank 14
Listview-Hooks.s           Source code for the popup-listview hooks (Bank 32)
MUI.Equ                    AMOSPro Equates File for MUI Symbols
Equate_To_Tags.AMOS        Convert Equares File into a Tag Tree (Bank 13)

NOTE: The demo does not require access to any of the other files. The
      equates are only used as souuce for the Equate_To_Tags.AMOS program,
      which you only need to make the demo understand more non-MUI tags. 
      The assembler sources are provided for you to see if you can tell
      me why the second one doesn't work properly :-) (See end of demo)


AMOSPro - Any version

/pub/aminet/dev/gui/mui21dev.lzh (Only for programmers docs & MUI.I file)

NOTE: MUI.I file is not needed - but you may want to read it to check
      exactly how tags are spelt since the equates file was generated from
P.s. This file is also inside the archive.