Short:        Assembler for 6502, 68705, 6803
Author:       Matt Dillon, mods by Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert and Cadaver
Uploader:     drHirudo Amigascne org
Type:         dev/cross
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

    DASM    V2.12

    (c)Copyright 1988 Matthew Dillon, All Rights Reserved.
       Freely Distributable (for non-profit) ONLY.  No redistribution
       of any modified text files or redistribution of a subset of the
       source is allowed.

       Circumvention of said terms requires the permission of the Author (me)
       via US Mail.

       Matthew Dillon
       891 Regal Rd.
       Berkeley, Ca. 94708


    The source code assumes that integers are LONG WORDS.  All expression
    computation is carried out with 32 bit ints.  Additionaly, the
    correct implementation of STDIO functions is assumed (no translation).

    This code will compile with little or no modification on Amiga and UNIX


    Should be relatively easy.	Most of the code will work if int=16 bits.


    -relatively fast
    -processor selection (use same assembler for many processors)
    -multi-pass (more than two passes if required)
    -conditional assembly
    -local labels (VERY local labels)
    -macro capability (no stacking limit)
    -symbolic expression capability
    -addressing mode overides
    -arbitrary number of named segments
    -many pseudo-ops for repeat loops, data generation, etc....
    -automatic checksumming accessed via the '...' symbol.


      --------------- CURRENTLY SUPPORTED MICROPROCESSORS ---------------

6502:	    ORDER LSB,MSB   A.b    X.b	  Y.b	    RelAddr:   .+ilen+offset
68705:	    ORDER MSB,LSB   A.b    X.b		    RelAddr:   .+ilen+offset
6803/HD6303:ORDER MSB,LSB   A.b    B.b	  X.w	    RelAddr:   .+ilen+offset
6811:	    ORDER MSB,LSB   A.b    B.b	  X.w  Y.w  RelAddr:   .+ilen+offset

ADDRESSING MODES		6502	68705	6803	6811
BYTES						HD6303

 2  implied			x	x	x	x
 2  immediate.8     #byte	x	x	x	x
 3  immediate.16    #word			x	x
 2  byteaddr	    byte	x	x	x	x
 2  byteaddr,x	    byte,x	x	x	x	x
 2  byteaddr,y	    byte,y	x			x
 3  wordaddr	    word	x	x	x	x
 3  wordaddr,x	    word,x	x	x
 3  wordaddr,y	    word,y	x
 2  relative	    byte	x	x	x	x
 2  ind.byte.x	    (byte,x)    x
 2  ind.byte.y	    (byte),y    x
 3  ind.word	    (word)      x
 1  0,x 	    [0],x		x
 2  bitmod	    #no,badr		x		    baseinst + 2*bitno
 3  bitbramod	    #no,badr,rel	x		    baseinst + 2*bitno

NOTE:	HD6303 instruction extensions over the 6803 are:

I believe the 6811 is a superset of the 6803.