Short: Thrust-like game for two players Author: (Carsten Gerlach) Uploader: amk cs tu-berlin de (Andreas M Kirchwitz) Type: game/2play Architecture: m68k-amigaos aThrust (= Amiga-Thrust) is a two player gravity shoot 'em up game. aThrust has the following features: . 100% system-friendly. aThrust is using the OS and runs on an Intuition screen. You could even convert some JPGs or download files while playing ;-) . it has an realtime two-player-mode via the serial port. . two players can use one keyboard (I _hate_ the joystick control in other thrust games). . it has a font and size sensitive GUI-frontend . lots of extra weapons . own screens can be created and used . maximum screensize is 1024x1024 at 32 colors . optional splitscreen/fullscreen mode while playing via modem . sound effects . amigaguide-documentation (sorry, only german documentation yet, a short english readme is included)