Short: Shogo: Mobile Armor Division demo version Author: Monolith Productions/Hyperion Entertainment Uploader: Thomas Frieden <ThomasF hyperion-software de> Type: game/demo Architecture: ppc-warpup Welcome to the Demo of Shogo: Mobile Armor Division, the long(!) awaited, story driven first person shooter. The demo of Shogo:MAD only offers a glimpse of the full game and really doesn't do justice to the story-driven plot of the game. If you come away from the demo with the idea that Shogo is just another first person shooter, you are mistaking. Decisions you make during the game will affect the development and outcome of the plot. Hardware/Software requirements - OS 3.0 or higher - A PowerPC processor, supported by WarpUp (V5 recommended) - A graphics card (no AGA supported) - Warp3D V4 is required for hardware acceleration - 64 MB of memory, at least 50 to 55 MB of free memory (more *highly* recommended) - AHI for sound card support (direct Paula support also available) A software-only renderer is available, but for speed reasons, it is recommended to use 3D hardware acceleration on all 603 based systems.