Short:        Payback replays showing walkthrough of all missions
Author: (David McMinn)
Uploader:     dave blitz-2000 co uk (David McMinn)
Type:         game/actio
Requires:     Payback with Update7
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


This archive contains a walkthrough of all Payback missions I
could find (each level completed on gold). With the exception
of the last level, most level were completed without losing a
life (or it was maybe lost at the end).

If I've missed some of the hidden missions please mail me to
tell me where they are - I just can't find any more :)


Copy the files in the archive to the Replays/ directory in your
Payback game directory.


From the first menu in Payback, choose "View replay". Select
the replay you want to see (they are labelled with the city
and level number).