Short:        Calculates Tower Assault levelcode checksum
Author:       MNT
Uploader:     fema0012 FH-Karlsruhe de
Type:         game/hint
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Source of Basicprogram that calculates the checksum of
AlienBreed-TowerAssault (great game,cool intro!).
Use it in conjuntion with explanatory documents that
explain what the first eight digits of the code mean,
because i lost the notes i made about.

Meant for those who got the CD32 version (like me) and
cant use dirty hacks like TA_hack_v10.lha

   ____  __  _____
  /    \/  \/_  _/\   sYSOP of -=# dAR< z0N3 BB5 #=-
 /_/_/_/_/_/\/_/\\/   iNTeRNeT: