Short:        12 new graphical styles for BoulderDaesh
Author: (Joona Palaste)
Uploader:     jpalaste freenet hut fi (Joona Palaste)
Type:         game/misc
Architecture: generic

This archive contains 12 new graphical styles for the excellent game
BoulderDäsh by the German chap, Guido Mersmann. The styles are freely
distributable, but they are © Joona Palaste. Here is a listing of the styles.

        Black&White     Computer    Egyptian    JokeAmiga
        LCD             Medical     Moria       Psychedelic
        Space           Spooky      Techno      Western

Have fun with the styles! And by the way, when is Guido going to include
English docs in BoulderDäsh?

        Adios Amiga Amigos,
                            Joona Palaste