Short:        Demo version of boulder dash clone
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This program is copyrighted by Robert Wille.  This version of the
program is a demo, and can be freely distributed.  A working version
of this program is available for $10.00 (US) from

Robert Wille
6524 1/2  24th Ave NW
Seattle, WA  98117

I can also be reached via internet at

The working version has many additional levels and includes an 
interactive editor.  The editor provides a means for creating new levels.  
Furthermore, objects' attributes can be customized.  The editor can create 
objects that behave in a distinct manner from any of the objects included 
in these levels.

I am currently working on a commercial version of this program.  Your
donations will help me to be able to finish this product.  Also, I would 
greatly appreciate any comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc.  I have a
number of improvements that I'm working on for the commercial version, and
I would like to incorporate any ideas you might have.  If you have access
to the internet, please e-mail your responses and include "BoulderBash" 
somewhere on the subject line.

Thanks for your interest in this product!

I have had some people report that the files aren't getting unarchived
using the full path, even though I have archived them with full path.
If this game doesn't run, do the following (from the directory where
BoulderBash resides):

MakeDir Frames
Copy Frame#? Frames

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
     894     335 62.5% 28-Oct-91 19:20:54
      35      35  0.0% 31-Oct-91 18:53:26
   54584   34214 37.3% 03-Nov-91 14:03:28 +BoulderBash
     638     443 30.5% 29-Oct-91 09:26:58
    2480     284 88.5% 03-Nov-91 14:01:28 +Frame000
    2480     215 91.3% 03-Nov-91 14:01:28 +Frame001
    2480     302 87.8% 03-Nov-91 14:01:28 +Frame002
    2480     337 86.4% 03-Nov-91 14:01:28 +Frame003
    1402     737 47.4% 03-Nov-91 16:13:14 +ReadMe
     637     140 78.0% 29-Oct-91 09:27:02
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
   68110   37042 45.6% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00   10 files