Short:        Source of PlayFKiss in AmigaE
Author:       Chad W. Randall and Michal Durys
Uploader:     Michal Durys <misha femina com pl>
Type:         game/misc
Version:      2.08 (22.08.99)
Architecture: generic

This is complete source for PlayFKiss and related utilities. 90% of all that
was written by Chad Randall. The remaining 10% is mine and this mainly
includes cleanups, speed optimisations and new bugs. :) I did my best to
make those sources more readable but my efforts failed - it's still one big
mess. That's one of the main reasons I dropped the development of PFK.
Nevertheless if you want to continue Chad's and mine work I'll help you as
much as I can. Just mail me.

For the latest news about KiSS for Amiga visit