Short:        Amiga ECS port of ScummVM 1.4.1 (68030)
Author:       NovaCoder
Uploader:     novacoder yahoo co uk
Type:         game/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.1.0
Distribution: Aminet
Kurz:         Amiga Portierung von ScummVM


ScummVM is an interpreter that allows you to run certain classic graphical
point-and-click adventure games on an Amiga (provided you have their data
files).  The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables
shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they
were never designed! This Amiga ScummVM port only supports certain ScummVM
game engines (see About Box within the ScummVM Launcher).


1) An Amiga with EHB support (64 color mode).
2) A fast 68020 processor.
3) 32MB of RAM.
4) AHI installed and configured (see links section below).
5) CAMD library installed and configured for native MIDI playback (see links
   section below).
6) The original games (or demos).


    * Double buffered 16 bit SFX and speech
    * MIDI music emulation (no hardware required)
    * Double buffered 64 color graphics
    * External MIDI support (using the CAMD library)
    * 16 bit GUI (converted to 6 bit in real-time!)
    * Back ported OS4, MorphOS and AROS code


The you will need to use the ScummVM Launcher to update 
the paths (save/theme/extra).

You can also manually add the following to your own INI file:
The 'close_wb' configuration option can be used to close the Workbench.
The 'display_type' configuration option can be used to set your 
display mode (PAL or NTSC).
The 'mixer_priority' configuration option can be used set the 
mixer thread priority.
The 'palette_update_delay' configuration option can be used 
to speed up the game.

There are various configuration options within the ScummVM Launcher (see
the official ScummVM readme for more details).

When running from the Shell you must specify a stack of at least 300,000.
The AHI device used will be the one setup in your AHI Prefs (unit 0).
You will need to install the CAMD library if you want to use an external MIDI

Performance Considerations:

1) If you have a Blizzard you should really be using BlizKick, Apollo users
   should be using RemApollo.
2) Fast File System is actually really slow, use PFS3 instead.
3) Music emulation will be slow, try using real MIDI hardware instead.
4) Use v4.18 of AHI as the later versions are too slow on real hardware.
5) If you are using Paula stick with the 'FAST' 8 bit Mono/Stereo++ modes.
6) Try reducing the audio playback frequency down to 8k if you're still having
   performance issues.


1) Compressed audio/music files are not supported.

Version History: - Initial release based on ScummVM 1.4.1.

Links: (ScummVM ECS thread on EAB) (ScummVM RTG features demo) (AHI Audio system) (AHI setup guide) (Commodore Amiga MIDI driver)