Short:        Full release of graphic adventure game
Author:       Kelly Samel (
Uploader:     Kelly Samel (realstar shaw ca)
Type:         game/role
Version:      1.1
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.1.0; ppc-morphos >= 1.4.5

Aqua Info:

Aqua is a Myst style graphic adventure game that was originally
made for the Amiga as a commercial product and later ported to
MorphOS as part of the SuperBundle program. This freely redistributable
release is made as a gift to those that continue to support
MorphOS and Amiga software. Both MorphOS and Amiga executables are
included as well as all required data files.

Download all 4 archives and unpack into same drawer:

If you enjoy this game Please consider making a PayPal
donation at the Emerald Games website. Thank You.

- History -
Feb. 17 2007 - V1.1 released

- License -
Aqua is Copyright © 1997-2007 Kelly Samel / Emerald Games.
Aqua is freely redistributable but may not be sold for any
kind of profit without explicit permission from the Copyright holder.

Emerald Games site :