Short:        Hacked SAVE for Dungeon Master
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is a cheat for Dungeon Master.  Using this cheat will help you to
finish Dungeon Master much more quickly, and enable to you play Chaos
Strikes Back with less difficulty.

I DON NOT have a save game file with these characters at the end of Dungeon
Master, so don't ask.  I finished DM with my own party a long time ago.

I found this document file and save-game from a ftp-site (which I can't
remember the name of), so I have LHA'ed the save game file for Amiga gamers
to use (I hope Skip Sanders doesn't mind.)  I was going to post this file
UUENCODED to usenet, but it was way too big to post.  This file may work on
other systems, but I don't make any guarantees.

Sorry about the slopiness of these instructions, but I've got other skool
work to do.

Warmest Regards,

Jim Fang

PS. If you hate turtles, I suggest you use the Chaos Strikes Back Utility
Disk to change them to whatever you like.