Short:        Tools for Infocom games, release 6/8
Uploader:     kinder teaching physics ox ac uk
Type:         game/role
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This package contains the following tools for manipulating Infocom game

check    - checks story file integrity, same as $verify command. Works on all
           types except for V1, V2 and early V3 games which have no checksum
           in the header. Optionally outputs a new story file of the correct

infodump - dumps header, object list, grammar and dictionary of a given
           story file. Works on all types. Grammar doesn't work for V6
           games yet.

pix2gif  - convert IBM MCGA/VGA (*.MG1) picture files from V6 games to
           individual GIF files, viewable on most platforms.

txd      - disassembles story files to Z code assembly language, plus text
           strings.  Works on all games from V1 to V8. Also supports Inform
           assembler syntax.