Short:        C= Plus/4 emulator v1.54, 68k & PPC
Author: (Almos Rajnai)
Uploader:     rachy amiga hu (Almos Rajnai)
Type:         misc/emu
Version:      1.54
Requires:     Kick 3.0, 68020+ or PowerPC, AGA, ECS or CGX, rom image
Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-warpup


Release date: 27.12.2003

Version 1.54 is the very-very last version for OS3.x and WarpUP, next release
planned for AmigaOS4. (I mean it this time... :)

I released the source code for the Motorola 680x0 version, you can find it
on my web page:

Changes since v1.53a:
* Fixed wrong register layout for $FF1A and $FF1B (may caused wrong display
  or crash)
* Fixed memory alignment, now it takes up more memory with 128k, but it is
  not a hack anymore (did not work under AmigaOS4.0)
* (PPC) Fixed noise appearing beside the screen when the wide border and
  vertical scrolling appear in the same time
* Added CGX-Deltarefresh video driver for slow graphics cards

Changes since v1.53:
* Fixed joy support, after implementing both joy reading detection was
  wrong (thanks for reporting to Alexander Weber)