Short:        Very fast tape loader for Oric
Author:       Simon "Symoon" Guyart et al.
Uploader:     polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Type:         misc/emu
Version:      1.2a
Architecture: m68k-amigaos; other

Usage: Novalight [ -opt1 ] [ -opt2 ] [ -opt3 ] [ -opt4 ] <.TAP file> <.WAV file>

Produces a 44 kHz WAV file that should load very fast on most Orics,
ROM 1.0 or ROM 1.1.

Options: -s  'standard speed': use standard speed instead of F16 speed
             for the loader (slower, but some Orics may not like F16?)
         -p  'long pause': generates a 5 seconds silence between each part
             of multipart programs (ERE Informatique programs, for instance,
             require time to draw a loading screen).
         -m  'multipart booster': if you know that page 1 is never affected by
             the multipart program you're loading, this option allows to reduce
             the loader size after part 1 (all following parts load faster!).
         -rXX 'relocate': you can specify another memory page to store
             Novalight. Must be in hexadecimal, for instance '-r9F', '-r01'.
             Default uses page 1, or another if something is loaded in page 1.
Note:    dropped 'no loader' and 'old loader' options, that worked together,
         since the old loader became too big to remain compatible.

WARNING: requires a *perfect* WAV player. DO NOT convert the WAV file.
(v1.2a - 03/2019)