Short:        ZX-Spectrum128k emulator + TR-DOS v0.25b
Uploader:     maxi public kharkov ua
Type:         misc/emu
Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-powerup

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             |        -=< CBSpeccy v0.25b (23.05.99) >=-        |
             |                                                  |
             |  ZX-Spectrum 128k emulator + TR-DOS file system  |
             |                                                  |
             |        Copyright (C) 1997-99 Code Busters        |
             |                                                  |
             |           Written by Rst7 & Max Iwamoto          |
             |                                                  |
             | HomePage:    |
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             |                                                  |
             |          e-mail:        |
             |                        |
             |                    |
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     + AGA/ECS + 68030/040/060 CPU + MMU + ~5 Mb Ram.
     + PPC optional
     + If you have any question write to us.
     + If you want to see your favorite file format support in CBSpeccy,
       than send us docs about this format & requarements.


     + 99% compatible Z80 emulation (all commands (+ all undocumented),
       include command timings, register R and interrupt emulation).
     + 100% speed of real ZX-Spectrum (all timings come from Pentagon128 -
       russian analog of ZX-Spectrum).
     + Realtime screen refresh every 32 pixels (demos & games that fixed or
       oriented on pentagon timings work perfect).
     + 99% of ZX-Spectrum games worked!
     + Support *.TAP, *.SNA, *.Z80(version 1.54, 2.01 & 3.00) file formats!
     + Support real ZX Tape (*.TZX) file format.
     + TR-DOS file system emulation (Support *.TRD files)!
     + Support HOBETA and SCL file formats.
     + AY-3-8910(12) Sound chip emulation (not complete)
     + All ZX-Spectrum joysticks supported (Kempston, Sinclair 1, Sinclair 2,
       Protek (Cursor)).
     + Support Kempston mouse.
     + etc...


   Date: 23-05-99, Version: 0.25b

     + Bug fix in Z80/SNA loader -  no crash on 040/060.
     + Some optimizing emulator code.
     + Changes on on our web site - new design (by NightProwler), also
       now you can download game's and demos that we released for Speccy
       from our web site (