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Showing: m68k-amigaos icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
V2600PPC.lha 0.83 misc/emu 986 96K 1998-05-21 ppc-warpup icon Atari 2600 (VCS) Emulator for PPC (WarpUP) - (readme)
v2600_src.lha 0.83 misc/emu 1336 64K 2017-05-14 generic icon v2600 source code - (readme)
vba-ppc-amigaos-bin.lha 1.7.2 misc/emu 1223 1.4M 2005-10-19 ppc-amigaos icon a full featured Game Boy Advance emulator - (readme)
vba-ppc-amigaos-src.lha 1.7.2 misc/emu 1121 3.9M 2005-10-19 generic icon a full featured Game Boy Advance emulator - (readme) 1.7.2 misc/emu 877 646K 2011-06-06 i386-aros icon Gameboy Advance emulator - (readme)
vbagui.lha 1.06 misc/emu 1261 153K 2005-05-26 ppc-amigaos icon GUI for VisualBoyAdvance for OS4 - (readme)
vbaguigfx.lha 1.0 misc/emu 1115 31K 2005-04-20 generic icon Alternative GFX for the Visual Boy Advance GUI. - (readme)
vbamuigui.lha 0.4 misc/emu 1017 14K 2005-11-09 ppc-amigaos icon VisualBoy Advance MUI GUI - (readme)
vbk_preview.lha 0.01 misc/emu 937 318K 1998-09-20 m68k-amigaos icon Virtual BK preview - PDP-11 w/src - (readme)
version.lha misc/emu 881 8K 1994-07-30 m68k-amigaos icon \'version\' command for MS-DOS and others - (readme)
vgbppc.lha misc/emu 973 176K 1998-07-29 ppc-powerup icon VGB PPC rev. 6 - Gameboy Emulator for PowerUP - (readme)
vgbwos.lha misc/emu 928 138K 1998-05-16 ppc-warpup icon Nintendo Gameboy emulator for PPC (WarpOS) - (readme)
VGB_Amiga.lha 0.3 misc/emu 1007 96K 1996-07-31 m68k-amigaos icon Nintendo Gameboy emulator *real* V0.3 - (readme)
Viaduct-1.1.lha 1.1 misc/emu 952 31K 2018-07-03 m68k-amigaos icon RTG-aware PCWindow clone for Bridgeboards - (readme)
Viaduct-1.2.lha 1.2 misc/emu 899 38K 2018-11-26 m68k-amigaos icon RTG-aware PCWindow clone for Bridgeboards - (readme)
Viaduct-1.3.lha 1.3 misc/emu 972 67K 2018-12-30 m68k-amigaos icon RTG-aware PCWindow clone for Bridgeboards - (readme)
Viaduct-1.4.lha 1.4 misc/emu 606 77K 2021-04-06 m68k-amigaos icon RTG-aware PCWindow clone for Bridgeboards - (readme)
Viaduct-1.5.lha 1.5 misc/emu 569 93K 2022-05-31 m68k-amigaos icon RTG-aware PCWindow clone for Bridgeboards - (readme)
vic-emu-tools.lha 1.0 misc/emu 1389 45K 2004-05-31 m68k-amigaos icon Tools and helpful info for vic-emu 0.65 - (readme)
VICE-AmigaOS3-2.4.tar.gz 2.4 misc/emu 1522 12M 2013-06-11 m68k-amigaos icon Emul. c64(dtv),c128,pet,cbm2,plus4,vic20 - (readme)
VICE-AmigaOS3-3.1.lha 3.1 misc/emu 2053 24M 2018-04-15 m68k-amigaos icon Emul. c64(dtv),c128,pet,cbm2,plus4,vic20 - (readme)
VICE-AmigaOS4-3.0.lha 3.0 misc/emu 1224 27M 2017-04-04 ppc-amigaos icon Emul. c64(dtv),c128,pet,cbm2,plus4,vic20 - (readme)
VICE-AmigaOS4-3.1.lha 3.1 misc/emu 1192 32M 2018-04-15 ppc-amigaos icon Emul. c64(dtv),c128,pet,cbm2,plus4,vic20 - (readme)
VICE-AROS64-2.2a.tar.gz 2.2a misc/emu 795 6.9M 2010-01-30 Emul. c64(dtv),c128,pet,cbm2,plus4,vic20 - (readme)
VICE-i386-AROS-3.1.tar.gz 3.1 misc/emu 790 22M 2018-04-18 i386-aros icon Emul. c64(dtv),c128,pet,cbm2,plus4,vic20 - (readme)
VICE-MorphOS-2.2a.tar.gz 2.2a misc/emu 1158 7.9M 2010-01-31 ppc-morphos icon Emul. c64(dtv),c128,pet,cbm2,plus4,vic20 - (readme)
VICE-MorphOS-3.1.lha 3.1 misc/emu 1141 29M 2018-04-16 ppc-morphos icon Emul. c64(dtv),c128,pet,cbm2,plus4,vic20 - (readme)
VICE-powerpc-AROS-2.2a.tar.gz 2.2a misc/emu 820 7.8M 2010-01-31 Emul. c64(dtv),c128,pet,cbm2,plus4,vic20 - (readme)
VICE-WarpOS-1.22.tar.gz 1.22 misc/emu 1364 3.7M 2007-12-03 ppc-warpup icon Emulates c64,c128,pet,cbm2,plus4 + vic20 - (readme)
VICEplus-AmigaOS3-v1.1.tgz 1.1 misc/emu 2285 5.3M 2008-05-13 m68k-amigaos icon Emulates c64(dtv),c128,pet,+4,cbm2,vic20 - (readme)
VICEplus-AmigaOS4-v1.1.tgz 1.1 misc/emu 1099 9.0M 2008-05-13 ppc-amigaos icon Emulates c64(dtv),c128,pet,+4,cbm2,vic20 - (readme)
VICEplus-AROS64-v1.1.tgz 1.1 misc/emu 1005 7.3M 2008-05-13 Emulates c64(dtv),c128,pet,+4,cbm2,vic20 - (readme)
VICEplus-i686-AROS-v1.1.tgz 1.1 misc/emu 1009 6.4M 2008-05-13 i386-aros icon Emulates c64(dtv),c128,pet,+4,cbm2,vic20 - (readme)
VICEplus-ppc-AROS-v1.1.tgz 1.1 misc/emu 1024 8.2M 2008-05-13 Emulates c64(dtv),c128,pet,+4,cbm2,vic20 - (readme)
VICEtoPS.lha 5August2008 misc/emu 2445 24K 2011-08-25 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon Convert VICE printer output to PostScript - (readme)
VICEtoPS_MorphOS.lha misc/emu 1167 28K 2007-07-22 ppc-morphos icon Converts VICE printer output to PS - (readme)
vicV0.65.lha misc/emu 2504 99K 1995-01-11 m68k-amigaos icon Vic 20 emulator Version 0.65. - (readme)
vicV0.65_src.lha 0.65 misc/emu 1482 48K 2017-05-23 generic icon Vic 20 Emulator source code - (readme)
Vision-8.lha misc/emu 1017 59K 1997-11-16 m68k-amigaos icon Vision-8: The Portable CHIP8 Emulator - (readme)
visualboyadvance-1.7.2.lha 1.7.2 misc/emu 1812 461K 2006-02-02 ppc-morphos icon GameBoy Advance emulator - (readme)
vMac_bin.lha misc/emu 977 224K 1998-12-16 ppc-powerup icon VMac(bin)-Amiga (PPC) port of mac plus emulator - (readme)
vMac_src.lha misc/emu 945 157K 1998-12-16 m68k-amigaos icon VMac(src)-Amiga (PPC) port of mac plus emulator - (readme)
vmsalert.lha misc/emu 952 12K 1995-04-01 m68k-amigaos icon Vmsalert - part of an VMS emulator for Amiga computers - (readme)
WarpNeoPocott_v038.lha 0.38 misc/emu 1341 171K 2007-08-16 ppc-warpup icon NeoGeo Pocket emulator - (readme)
warpsnes-wos.lha 7.0 misc/emu 1779 587K 2007-03-14 ppc-warpup icon SNES Emulator for WarpOS - (readme)
warpsnes.lha 1.42 misc/emu 1356 1.6M 2005-03-14 ppc-amigaos icon Nintendo SNES Emulator (WarpSNES) - (readme)
WES_v10.lha 0.10 misc/emu 1323 14K 2007-08-16 ppc-warpup icon WarpNeoPocott/Mame/NeoMame/Mess launcher - (readme)
WFile.lha misc/emu 981 58K 1992-08-01 m68k-amigaos icon Convers ASCII files from other OS\'s - (readme)
WHDLOpener.lha 1.3 misc/emu 1576 28K 2019-08-27 ppc-morphos icon E-UAE/WHDLoad integration with Ambient - (readme)
whd_menu.i386-aros.tar.bz2 1.0 misc/emu 989 303K 2009-12-05 i386-aros icon WHD Menu: manage + launch WHDLoad games - (readme)
Found 846 matching packages
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