Short:        BIN/HEX/DEC Converter+Bit Op. for programmers
Author: (Efrem Mirolo)
Uploader:     azummo ita flashnet it (Alessandro Zummo)
Type:         misc/math
Version:      1.0
Requires:     68020 + OS 3.x
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

QuickConv V1.0


 QuickConv is Copyright ©1997 Efrem Mirolo.
 All rights reserved.

 The program is GiftWare.


 QuickConv is a little utility to convert numbers in  Bin,  Hex  and  Dec  bases
 having all the three expressions of the number under your eyes, all at the same
 time. It also allows you to use the bit operators AND, Inc OR,  Exc  Or,  Shift
 and Complement. Useful for programmers.