Short:        Fast Sieve of Eratosthenes Prime Test
Uploader:     allenbrand nucleus fr
Type:         misc/math
Version:      1.3
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Replace:      misc/math/YaYaSieve.lha


After several mail with Dirk, I think I reached my own limit.  I decided to
include the sources. I won't try to improve them, because I don't know how.

            I will be interested if someone else could succeed.

Thanks to Dirk Held. 


                       (The Fastest Sieve Program :)

On  my  system  (A4k40+FPU+MMU,25  MHz,  16  MB  RAM)  it tests primes upto

240.000.000 in 234 seconds
 10.000.000 in LESS than 10 seconds,
  1.000.000 in 0.8 second



	DISPLAY : Display all the primes until NUMBER

	TEST : FAST Prime test for NUMBER


YAcalcPrimes  is  completely  written  in  Amiga  C.   The amiga version is
compiled with SAS/C 6.57.  This Program runs on every Amiga with Kick 2.0

It  is  strictly  ALLOWED  to  produce  any YASieve-like program without my
permission  :).  (But who really cares about it ?  Proggis like these are`n
usefull  to  factorise  LARGE  numbers  (i.e.   100 or more digits), so why
bother.  Try KillPrime on Aminet instead.
