Short:        Math program V1.32, MUI
Author: (Kai Nickel)
Uploader:     Kai Nickel stud uni-karlsruhe de (Kai Nickel)
Type:         misc/math
Replaces:     mathX131b.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


  mathX Version 1.32 (20.11.1998)

  mathX is a math program for Amiga

Feature overview

  * 2D plots from functions and data
  * 3D plots from functions as surface plot or SIRDS ("Magic3D")
  * Formal derivatives and simplifications
  * Calculation of integrals
  * Creates tangente and power series expansion (Taylor)
  * Discuss functions: search for zeros, extrema, turning points,
                       symmetry, value tables
  * Matrix operations: Determinant, inverse, char. polynom,
                       solve linear system

  mathX calculates symbolically using rational numbers if
  possible. It has a very comfortable graphical user interface
  featuring drag'n'drop, bubble- and online help. The program
  has got an ARexx port, install script and is localized to
  English, German, Dutch, Czech, Italian, Polish.

  mathX is shareware. The unregistered version is full functional
  with nerv-requesters.

Mimimum system requirements

  2MB RAM, AmigaOS 2.0 and MUI 3.6.

Changes from Version 1.31b:

  * Updated polish catalog (Lukasz Jodlowski)
  * NewIcons for mathX (Luca Longone)
  * Removed french translation - it needs to be updated.
  * Fixed little bug concerning program settings
  * Fixed illegal memory access in parser.

  * Please note: There are no more keyfiles now. They are
    replaced by registration numbers. You may choose if you
    want to get your number by mail or by email. I will not
    send discs anymore. Existing keyfiles stay valid.