84782 packages online


Showing: m68k-amigaos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
Quine1_0.lha misc/sci 471 11K 1997-05-12 m68k-amigaos icon Quine McCluskey function resolver (MUI) - (readme)
pulito.lha misc/sci 461 125K 1996-10-23 m68k-amigaos icon To solve linear programming problems(Ita/Eng) - (readme)
ptoe_demo.lha misc/sci 467 161K 1999-10-15 m68k-amigaos icon A periodic table of elements - (readme)
ptoe_1.01_upd.lha misc/sci 442 98K 2000-05-17 m68k-amigaos icon PTOE-the periodic table of elements - (readme)
PSE_12.lha 1.2 (giftware) misc/sci 445 145K 1996-08-14 m68k-amigaos icon Periodic table of the elements in germ., french, engl., - (readme)
PSB_111.lha 1.11 misc/sci 450 35K 1997-12-12 m68k-amigaos icon IDEA TEAM - Prosite Browser V1.11 (now localized) - (readme)
PSBguide_esp.lha 1.0 misc/sci 447 8K 1997-01-01 m68k-amigaos icon Spanish translation of V1.09 - (readme)
prosite.lha 13.0 misc/sci 477 621K 1996-03-26 m68k-amigaos icon Prosite.doc database V13.0 - (readme)
Predator.lha misc/sci 455 517K 1996-09-03 m68k-amigaos icon Protein secondary structure prediction - (readme)
PPCtroepfel.lha 1.01 misc/sci 461 39K 1998-02-09 ppc-powerup icon Calc. of Pi and e to many digits (V1.01), PPC - (readme)
polyfit.lha 1.29 misc/sci 460 74K 1995-09-21 m68k-amigaos icon Fits polynomes and exponential functions - (readme)
pl_pix.lha misc/sci 1147 618K 1996-12-18 m68k-amigaos icon Additional pictures for Planetarium 3.0 - (readme)
pl_3_0.lha misc/sci 492 643K 1996-12-18 m68k-amigaos icon Planetarium simulation; Vers. 3.0 - (readme)
Pl_2_51.lha misc/sci 459 1.1M 1995-12-06 m68k-amigaos icon Planetarium simulation; Vers. 2.51 - (readme)
Plot6.lha misc/sci 525 105K 1987-07-02 m68k-amigaos icon A star plotting program. - (readme)
Planetarium.lha misc/sci 532 58K 1993-06-29 m68k-amigaos icon Astronomy. Planet animations. V1.0 - (readme)
Planet.lha 1.0 misc/sci 838 656K 2005-04-24 m68k-amigaos icon Randomly Generates Planetary Maps - (readme)
plabdemo.lha misc/sci 656 269K 1994-08-02 m68k-amigaos icon Demo of Physics Laboratory in Mechanics - (readme)
PINQ.lha misc/sci 432 161K 1996-10-18 m68k-amigaos icon If you eat then you need this program. - (readme)
piluigi.lha misc/sci 474 20K 1998-06-12 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-powerup icon Fast calculation of Pi to many digits, 68k+PPC - (readme)
physics.lha misc/sci 458 319K 1997-05-08 m68k-amigaos icon Interactive educational demo *5DSoftware* - (readme)
PetitChimiste.lha 2.1 misc/sci 820 195K 1998-11-03 m68k-amigaos icon A 3D presentation tool for chemical molecules - (readme)
PeriodicTable.lha 1.5 misc/sci 1769 445K 2017-09-03 generic icon Periodic table (PageStream format) - (readme)
PCBTool.lha 2.6 misc/sci 600 57K 1988-10-02 m68k-amigaos icon PC board layout program. V2.6 - (readme)
p2ag.lha misc/sci 459 7K 1995-03-07 m68k-amigaos icon \"Prosite\" to AmigaGuide converter. - (readme)
Oscillograph.lha misc/sci 506 49K 1993-06-03 m68k-amigaos icon Emulation of an oscillograph, V2.0 - (readme)
orbit.lha misc/sci 464 67K 1999-01-20 m68k-amigaos icon Shows the satelittes - (readme)
OPlotV1.99b.lha misc/sci 452 339K 1994-07-01 m68k-amigaos icon The Amiga-2D-Plot-Program (replaces V1.99) - (readme)
NomenEstOmen.lha 0.815 german misc/sci 696 132K 1996-12-04 m68k-amigaos icon Chemistry: Edit + Nomenclature of molecules - (readme)
nnn.lha 1.35 misc/sci 468 81K 1995-09-02 m68k-amigaos icon Nnn backpropagation neural network v1.35 - (readme)
NeuronalNets.lha misc/sci 470 61K 1990-03-05 m68k-amigaos icon Neuronal Nets with Hopfield/Hamming alg. - (readme)
Neuro.lha 1.0 misc/sci 515 75K 1992-01-04 m68k-amigaos icon Neural network simulator. V1.0 - (readme)
NeuralNets.lha misc/sci 514 24K 1988-10-02 m68k-amigaos icon Neural network example. - (readme)
NeuralNet.lha misc/sci 476 11K 1989-08-21 m68k-amigaos icon Example of Neural Net programming. - (readme)
multiplot.lzh misc/sci 524 329K 1993-08-14 m68k-amigaos icon Version XLNf v1.06 of scientific data plotter - (readme)
MUIResi10.lha misc/sci 492 11K 1995-07-05 m68k-amigaos icon MUI-App, Transl. for resistor col codes. - (readme)
MUIMapparium_FR.lha 0.8 misc/sci 580 7K 2020-12-11 generic icon French catalog for MUIMapparium 0.8 - (readme)
mtrainer13.lha misc/sci 512 166K 1995-04-28 m68k-amigaos icon Tutorial for learning Morse code - (readme)
MoPac5.lha misc/sci 448 1.7M 1996-07-31 m68k-amigaos icon Semi-empirical molecular orbital package - (readme)
MoonDial.lha 1.73 misc/sci 606 41K 2002-02-25 m68k-amigaos icon V1.73 Moon-phase prog. Works with VisualPrefs. - (readme)
MoleWt.lha 1.01 misc/sci 454 23K 1991-04-17 m68k-amigaos icon Molecular weight calculator. V1.01 - (readme)
MN3A.lha 1.2 misc/sci 488 57K 1994-12-01 m68k-amigaos icon An antenna design program. V1.2 - (readme)
MLSv1_7.lha misc/sci 443 28K 1995-01-04 m68k-amigaos icon Performs Least Squares fit on Data - (readme)
MiraPLOT_Fr.lha 1.3 misc/sci 521 2K 2001-06-23 m68k-amigaos icon French translation for MiraPLOT - (readme)
meteostation.lha 1.08 misc/sci 916 3.4M 2013-08-13 ppc-amigaos icon USB weather station reader (Qt) - (readme)
messlaborV1_2.lha misc/sci 480 82K 1995-10-10 m68k-amigaos icon Analyse and plot datas with EPS-Support - (readme)
messlabor.lha misc/sci 448 44K 1995-07-05 m68k-amigaos icon Plots x/y Datas, now with little EPS-Support - (readme)
maschcal.lha 0.1 misc/sci 475 34K 1997-10-15 m68k-amigaos icon Small program for mech. engineers (german) - (readme)
lulin.lha misc/sci 685 1K 2009-03-01 generic icon DU: Orbital Element File f. Comet Lulin - (readme)
lpdemo101.lha misc/sci 470 39K 1992-12-15 m68k-amigaos icon Digital Logic Circuit Simulator - (readme)
Found 300 matching packages
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