Short:        Rutger H.dedicated DBM by blakkhar
Author: sTelLan
Uploader:     blakkhar nwn de sTelLan
Type:         mods/blkha
Architecture: generic

_ ___                               _ _                                ___ _
                   ¸.·°·.¸,.¡iIi¡ BlakKhar ¡iIi¡.,¸.·°·.¸

                  brings you another teknoid module called

                              "R u t g e r H"

Hehe... you know the film ads "Rutger Hauer in ..." The almost great B-Movie
master ;-) Ok, there is only one voice sample, but it is the german synchron
    speaker. Love it, or hate it. Rutger Hauer rulez all over the world.
             Known Movie are "Ladyhawke" (Der Tag des Falken).

          ____/\ _______ ____      _________ ________
          \  //.\     //   //______\\ .___ \\  ____//_____
           \//   \   //   //.    // \\   /  \\ \\   __. //_________
           //_____\ //\  /______//___\\ /___//__\\ /   //        //
           ¯ \\ z!o\/  \/       ¯     \/    ¯    \/___//        //
              \\                                      ¯        //
              //                \\
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               \\           //
                \\                                           //
          _______\\_ ___________    _________ ____/\_____   //
          \\  ____//_\\_______//____\\ .___ \\  .// \  //  //
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           //__\\ /   //__\\ /___//___\\ /___////_______\\
           ¯    \/___//    \/    ¯     \/z!o ¯ ¯         ¯
                     IRC-Chat: #TheScenE
               _ _                 _ _                 _ _
                _ /____   _ _       \ _____      _ _   __ /
           ____\//    (_  \ _____ __\\_    \_    \ __ /  //_______
          _)   \/      /__\\_    \_   /     /_____\  \\___       /
 ... .....\    ||      \    /     /        //      _  \  /      /..... ...
 ::: :    /____||_______\        /_________\       \   \ _______\    : :::
 ....: - --------diP-_ __________\------_ _____________/-bM------- - :....
 :                                                                       :
 :      M O O D S  -  M U S i C  F O R  Y O U R  i N S T i N C T S       :
 : - ----------------------------------------------------------------- - :

 _   _                               _                                _   _