Short: Trollet och Haldur [Fantasy/Folklore] by ElbiE^t13n! Author: (ElbiE) Uploader: ElbiExzone hotmail com (ElbiE) Type: mods/elbie Architecture: generic ------------------------------------------- _____ ______ _______._ ______ .æ@æ _|_ _|__/ | \____ | Y _ |. æ@@@ .-\__ __/\_7 |___(__ | / |- @@@ -. |::| |:::| | _/ | / |: @@.::| `--|_____|---|_____:________.__/ |- @ ---' <-----------------------------/______|.æ.----> : `¤' lm! :... ELbiE^t13n! ...: : Daniel Sjöstrand : : : : Prodly presents : :Fantasy F o l k L o r e Song: :T r o l l e t & H a l d u r: :.............................: ElbiE> a Special Fatntasy song with guitarr, mandola, jawharp, drums and Vocals in Swedish. It's about a troll that lives in the montains... For any reason contact me at; /--------------------------\ < > \--------------------------/ Please visit my home page! /--------------------------\ < > \--------------------------/ /--------------------------\ <> \--------------------------/ Take care /ElbiE