Short:        Now [Trance] by ElbiE^t13n!
Author: (ElbiE)
Uploader:     ElbiExzone hotmail com (ElbiE)
Type:         mods/elbie
Architecture: generic


                   _____    ______  _______._ ______   .æ@æ
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               |::|     |:::|     |    _/  |   /    |: @@.::|
               `--|_____|---|_____:________.__/     |- @ ---'
                   :                                 `¤' lm!
                   :...        ELbiE^t13n!          ...:
                      :      Daniel Sjöstrand       :
                      :    :
                      :       Prodly presents       :
                      :                             :
                      :     N        o       w      :                                          :
                      :                             :
                      :   a fast MotionTrancE Song  :


Hello there...

This song is a bit short but although very nice. 
It is based on a rather different series of chords. Cm Gm Dm Am... 
And then i made some nice figures around that...

I hope you Njoy it!

For any reason contact me at

Or Contact t13n!'s founder Guffaw at

Take care 