84782 packages online


Showing: m68k-amigaos icongeneric icon
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Found 116 matching packages
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
Xprezzo.mpg mods/elbie 341 1.6M 1999-06-29 generic icon Xprezzo a Synth song by ElbiE t13n! - (readme)
Wrong_cure.mpg mods/elbie 340 3.0M 2002-05-16 generic icon Wrong Cure [Electro\\Goth\\Vocal] by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
Willi_tale.mpg mods/elbie 342 4.2M 2000-07-30 generic icon Sir Williams Tale [Saga Orch.] by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
Whispers.mpg mods/elbie 418 4.4M 1999-10-14 generic icon Whispers [hallowene gothic] by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
Weary_eyes.mpg mods/elbie 374 4.3M 2000-02-03 generic icon Weary Eyes [SadSynth] with Vocals by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
Voice_heart.mpg mods/elbie 334 4.9M 2000-03-03 generic icon Voice_heart [Classical] by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
Varg_gat.mpg mods/elbie 369 3.7M 1999-06-29 generic icon Varg_ ga [Crying Violas] by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
Vargoga_II.mpg mods/elbie 327 2.0M 1999-10-15 generic icon Varg ga_II [Electronic] by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
unbal_2.mpg mods/elbie 360 1.2M 1999-06-15 generic icon Unbalanced II a drum n\' base song by ElbiE - (readme)
unbalanced.mpg mods/elbie 308 1.5M 1999-05-26 generic icon Unbalanced a drum n base tune by ElbiE - (readme)
theeasy.lha mods/elbie 414 205K 1998-03-25 generic icon \"the easy way out\" - (readme)
t13N_Why.lha mods/elbie 426 56K 1996-11-17 generic icon Why by Elbie/t13N! - (readme)
t13N_Void.lha mods/elbie 429 101K 1996-11-17 generic icon Void by Elbie/t13N! - (readme)
t13N_TheFaith.lha mods/elbie 446 52K 1996-12-04 generic icon ProTracker module by ElbiE/t13N! - (readme)
t13N_OnAndOn.lha mods/elbie 394 83K 1996-11-18 generic icon On And On by ElbiE/t13N! - (readme)
t13N_OldHouse.lha mods/elbie 423 24K 1996-11-18 generic icon The Old House by ElbiE/t13N! - (readme)
t13N_Miles.lha mods/elbie 402 107K 1996-11-17 generic icon Miles?! by Elbie/t13N! - (readme)
t13N_ImBackh.lha mods/elbie 469 4K 1996-11-17 generic icon Im Bac(k)h by Elbie/t13N! - (readme)
t13N_Gothic.lha mods/elbie 447 358K 1997-01-04 generic icon Gothic doom by ElbiE/t13N! - (readme)
t13N_Goa.lha mods/elbie 427 24K 1996-11-18 generic icon Goa by ElbiE/t13N! - (readme)
t13N_From.lha mods/elbie 452 80K 1997-01-04 generic icon Amiga-dorkpop by ElbiE/t13N! - (readme)
t13N_Easy.lha mods/elbie 453 53K 1996-11-18 generic icon Easy by ElbiE/t13N! - (readme)
t13N_CPPPv2.lha mods/elbie 479 54K 1996-11-17 generic icon CPPP v2 by Elbie/t13N! - (readme)
t13N_Circle.lha mods/elbie 421 3K 1996-11-18 generic icon Circle by ElbiE/t13N! - (readme)
t13n-tripp.lha mods/elbie 422 219K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"A -Tripp- Into The\" - [techno] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-synIII.lha mods/elbie 448 76K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"Synthetic III\" - [goa/trance] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-sweet.lha mods/elbie 445 133K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"Sweet Silence\" - [hardcore techno] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-sovjet.lha mods/elbie 454 3K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"Sovjet Anthem\" - chipmodule by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-souls.lha mods/elbie 420 205K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"Souls\" - [piano] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-slipp.lha mods/elbie 423 317K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"Time Is Slipping\" - [goa/techno] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-scott.lha mods/elbie 439 54K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"Scott Joplin\" - [piano] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-party.lha mods/elbie 423 71K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"Party Time\" - [synth] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-just.lha mods/elbie 437 322K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"Just Hear\" - [chill out/trance] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-extat.lha mods/elbie 459 237K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"Extatica\" - [trance] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-dress.lha mods/elbie 436 230K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"Dressed In Black\" - [trance/goa] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-dist.lha mods/elbie 451 212K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"Disturbed\" - [goa trance] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-chrono.lha mods/elbie 421 190K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"Chronological\" - [hardcore synth] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-breakz.lha mods/elbie 441 161K 1997-11-20 generic icon \"Breakz n\' Beatz\" - [techno] by Elbie/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-bicent.lha mods/elbie 438 29K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"A Bicentennial Man\" - [synth] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-apollo.lha mods/elbie 451 133K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"Apollo 13\" - [synth] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
t13n-alot.lha mods/elbie 447 248K 1997-11-18 generic icon \"It\'s A Lot Depeche\" - [synth/techno] by ElbiE/t13n! - (readme)
Str_elec.mpg mods/elbie 334 7.5M 2000-09-23 generic icon Stripped Electronique [Synth] by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
Strangers.mpg mods/elbie 367 2.4M 1999-06-16 generic icon Stranger in Paradise [Atmos] by ElbiE - (readme)
sprawl.mpg mods/elbie 356 5.2M 2001-04-13 generic icon Sprawl Pneumatique [electro] by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
Sovjet_3.mpg mods/elbie 335 2.1M 1999-06-07 generic icon Sovjet hymn v III, [orch] by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
sovjet2.lha mods/elbie 471 3K 1998-03-25 generic icon \"sovjet hymn 2\" by elbie/t13n! - (readme)
Robotic.mpg mods/elbie 387 4.7M 1999-09-16 generic icon Robotic Love Vocoder Synthpop by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
Riot_v1-01.mpg mods/elbie 412 2.0M 1999-10-15 generic icon Riot_v1,01 [hard Industrial] by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
Riot.mpg mods/elbie 307 3.6M 1999-06-29 generic icon Riot [hard Indusrtial] by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
positron.mpg mods/elbie 354 2.9M 2000-10-07 generic icon Positronic Robotique [Synth] by ElbiE^t13n! - (readme)
Found 116 matching packages
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