Short:        Cloudy space goggles - slowbeat techno (Cloudy Ep 2)
Author:       Tarmslyng/Loonies
Uploader:     tarmslyng loonies dk
Type:         mods/mpg
Architecture: generic

Name:      Cloudy space goggles (Cloudy Ep part 2)
Net-Label: Loonies Records 
Project:   Naked Ears Project
Artist:    Tarmslyng
Lenght:    6.13 min
Tempo:     129 bpm
Style:     slow techno
Format:    mp3 (16 bit mono) 
Size:      3350 K
Date:      29-6-00
voices:    "vil du se min smukke navle"!!!
Equipment: Amiga1200, Mam303-II, Korg Toneworks (SFX)
Technic:   Octamed soundstudio was used to track and
           sequence the synths, the drums and other
           sampled instruments.
           The right output from the amiga was mixed
           together with the 303 and
           was then passed through the Sound processor
           (Korg) witch made alle the echo and flanger 
           effects. The left channel passed without eny
           effects or mixing.. This way it was possible
           by setting the panning of each track, to deside
           how much echo each track should have. :)           
Comment:   You probably think by the title that this is
           somekind of trance tune... Its not!
           Its got a nice slow wicked 303 theme, and a 
           lot of funny danish voices sampled from the
           legendary danish movie called "Do you want to see
           my buitiful navel". And no its not a porno movie
           or something like that... :)    
The Ep consist of 2 tracks including this one:
1.lnsM14_CloudEp1.mp3 [Dig a stone up with your foot]
2.lnsM17_CloudEp2.mp3 [Cloudy space goggles]   
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