Short:        Soya in the roller - trance (Concealed advance nr 11)
Author:       Tarmslyng/Loonies
Uploader:     tarmslyng loonies dk
Type:         mods/mpg
Architecture: generic

Name:      Soya in the roller (Soja i rullen)
Record:    Concealed advance (Skjult fremrykning) 
Nr:        11
Net-Label: Loonies Records 
Project:   Naked Ears Project
Artist:    Tarmslyng
Lenght:    5:48 min
Tempo:     135 bpm
Style:     trance
Format:    mp3 (16 bit mono) 
Size:      2775 K
Date:      20-7-01
Equipment: Amiga1200, Korg Toneworks (SFX), Mam303, Yamaha TG55
Comment:   This track is one of the best I ever have made.
           It has everything. Good rythmen, sounds, themes and
           voices. I have stolen voice samples from the danish
           version of "Obelix and Asterix", and offcource the 
           famouse danish statement 'Skal du have soja i rullen',
           from a long forgotten danish serie which name is
           'sonny slofe show' (its spelled wrong I know).
           This track dosent really belonge at the record so 
           consider it as a bonus track.

The Record consist of:
 1.lnsM40_LaBe.mpg [La Bella Figura]
 2.lnsM41_Play.mpg [Playing with dogs]
 3.lnsM42_Midn.mpg [Midnight fun]
 4.lnsM43_Five.mpg [Five legged pleasure bird]
 5.lnsM44_Demo.mpg [Demoniacal cowboy]
 6.lnsM45_Vase.mpg [Vase creatures]
 7.lnsM46_Faci.mpg [Facial mutations]
 8.lnsM47_Fant.mpg [Fantasy embryo]
 9.lnsM48_Seav.mpg [Seaview]
10.lnsM49_Unti.mpg [Until you are dead]
11.lnsM50_Soya.mpg [Soya in the roller]
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