Short:        Mixed-Loops/Sequences Part 1
Author: (Ralf Kosfeld)
Uploader:     Muskote T-Online de (Ralf Kosfeld)
Type:         mods/smpl
Requires:     Amiga with a Tracker (Octamed,Protracker,best is DigiBooster)
Architecture: generic

and some good Ideas. 

NOTE: In this Archives are NOT the same Loops as in the LoopzI-V Arcs !!
Whats inside:
808-Loops, AcidBars, Riffs and DanceLoops. 

Used Soft/Hardware:
AURA = Sampling in 14 BIT
AUDITION 4 = Cuttend and Loop
AUDIOMASTER 4 = Cuttend,Filter and Loop

Let me know when you done a Mod with this Loops. THANKS !

Ralf Kosfeld

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