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Short:(1.2) FULLY controlls STRICQ from AmIRC!
Author: SnorsleX at
Uploader:Lorens Johansson (SnorsleX Home se)
Requires:TCP/IP-Stack, STRICQ (BETA, not Aminet release!), AmIRC (?.?)
Download:comm/misc/AmIRC2STRICQ.lha - View contents

              _       .  _   _     _       _  ___  _  .  _  _
             |_| |\/| | |_) /       )     (_   |  |_) | /  / \
             | | |  | | | \ \_     (_      _)  |  | \ | \_ \_\

           ©2000 Lorens 'SnorsleX' Johansson (

                                Greets to:
         BIG thanks to ShdW for original VERY small script/idea...
   HUGE Thanks to Logan^ for ideas, testing.. and telling me to do it :)

.-> Description <-----------------------------------------------------------.
|                                                                           |
| This is a ARexx script for use in AmIRC and STRICQ... It will make it     |
| possible for you to "fully" controll STRICQ from AmIRC!                   |
| There is however not enough ARexx commands in STRICQ as of yet to let you |
| control it 100% from AmIRC, but I wish/hopes that Doug will have time to  |
| implement commands that is needed...                                      |
|                                                                           |
| The things you can do now is:                                             |
| · Change your Status.                                                     |
| · Send/Recieve Messages.                                                  |
| · Send URL messages.                                                      |
| · Check userinfo of a person.                                             |
| · Send files.                                                             |
| · List users.                                                             |
| · Delete users.                                                           |
| · ...probably more I have forgotten! :)                                   |
|                                                                           |
| The things you can't do, Virtually nothing! ;)                            |
|                                                                           |

.-> Install <---------------------------------------------------------------.
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
| Use installer script that is supplied, start from a CLI/Shell with:       |
| rx AmIRC2STRICQ.install                                                   |
|                                                                           |
| You must follow the instructions there... (especially those after the     |
| copying process is finished!                                              |
|                                                                           |

.-> History <---------------------------------------------------------------.
|                                                                           |
| 20000105                                                                  |
| · Added the possibility to put all messages from STRICQ into one /QUERY   |
|   window.                                                                 |
|                                                                           |
| 20000106                                                                  |
| · Added so you can send messages to STRICQ!                               |
| · Added so it prints the things you do in the AmIRC window to!            |
|                                                                           |
| 20000107                                                                  |
| · Added so you can add files, clear the file list, and send files!        |
| · Added so you can add files with a file requester if you want!           |
| · Added so the messages that comes from STRICQ will be in bold textstyle, |
|   easier to see what's yours and what's not!                              |
| · Added so it doesn't do anything if AmIRC isn't started!                 |
|                                                                           |
| 20000108                                                                  |
| · Added so you can send a URL message!                                    |
| · Added so you can enter the text for the !send command!                  |
|                                                                           |
| 20000109                                                                  |
| · Added so you can change your status!                                    |
| · Added so the uin must be a valid numeric or it will complain!           |
| · Added so you can get help direct in AmIRC (use !help)!                  |
| · Made the two scripts one script! YAY!!!                                 |
| · Added !uinfo command, checks a users info! (more to come to it)         |
|                                                                           |
| 20000110                                                                  |
| · Changed so the !<command> is before the <UIN>! (All command usages is   |
|   thereby changed!)                                                       |
| · Added so it checks STRICQ/AmIRC versions!                               |
|                                                                           |
| 20000111                                                                  |
| · Restructured the script.                                                |
| · Added so the !status command will return your current status if no      |
|   status is given!                                                        |
| · Updated !help "window" a bit.                                           |
| · Wrote the ReadMe.                                                       |
| · Fixed so URL messages are shown correctly (ie without the 'þ')!         |
| · Added so it shows when someone goes online/offline/filedirect!          |
| · Added sounds for online/offline/filedirect!                             |
| · Added so you can type a specific part after !uinfo.                     |
|                                                                           |
| 20000112                                                                  |
| · Added so it plays a sound for message notify!                           |
| · Added support for long messages!                                        |
| · Added so it -optionally- will show a requester if AmIRC isn't running!  |
| · Added so it -optionally- will play the sounds!                          |
|                                                                           |
| 20000113                                                                  |
| · Added !makelist, which will make a list of your contacts, you will soon |
|   be able to use <nick> instead of <uin> if you like!                     |
| · Added so you can type <nick> instead of <uin> if you want to!           |
| · Made an installerscript, YOU MUST USE IT!!!!!                           |
| · Added a !list command that lists the users in your contact list!        |
|                                                                           |
| 20000114                                                                  |
| · Absolutely NOTHING... ;)                                                |
|                                                                           |
| 20000115                                                                  |
| · Cleaned up !list and added status field to it!                          |
| · Changed so the stuff where it says [!<cmd> -> <uin>] now is             |
|   [!<cmd> -> <nick>                                                       |
|                                                                           |
| 20000116                                                                  |
| · Added so it supports five different AmIRC's (.1/.2/.3/.4/,5), will soon |
|   make so it chooses the correct one too.. (Not only the last one!)       |
|   BUT this doesn't work ;) You MUST have the STRICQ-Mess win in .1 :)     |
| · Made the Install script alot smarter and smaller...                     |
|                                                                           |
| 20000118                                                                  |
| · MY 19th BIRTHDAY!!! ;)                                                  |
| · Added so it doesn't complaint when using <uin> instead of <nick>!       |
|                                                                           |
| 20000120                                                                  |
| · Made the !list show online in green and offline in red!                 |
| · Added a switch to !list to only show one supplied status, like:         |
|   /icq !list Away    <- Will only show Away people!                       |
|                                                                           |
| 20000121                                                                  |
| · Made the install script so it adds the alias by it's own! (Optional!)   |
|                                                                           |
| 20000122                                                                  |
| · Added alot to the !list command, added different colours, red for those |
|   that indicates the person is not there, and green for the rest!         |
|   When doing !list Online it will list the Free For Chat and Invisible    |
|   people too...                                                           |
|                                                                           |
| 20000123                                                                  |
| · Added stuff to the ReadMe.                                              |
| · Release 1.0!                                                            |
|                                                                           |
| 20000124                                                                  |
| · Fixed so when doing !list Offline, it will also list DND/NA/Away/       |
|   Occupied!                                                               |
| · Added the new stuff to !uinfo:                                          |
|   E-Mail Secondary, E-Mail Old, Fax, Cellular, Last Online, Message To,   |
|   Message From                                                            |
| · Added !delete command which lets you delete a contact!                  |
| · Added so the !userinfo shows what user it's giving info about, if you   |
|   forgot who you wanted it for! ;)                                        |
| · Added support for Pager Messages.. (Recieve only!)                      |
|   Send email to <uin> to send a pager message!        |
|                                                                           |
| 20000125                                                                  |
| · Fixed some minor things with Pager Message, relayouted, and removed     |
|   trailing CR!                                                            |
| · Forgot to add a red color to Not Available in !list command!            |
| · Added Last Online column to !list command!                              |
| · Started improving the !list code...                                     |
| · Fixed so /icq !uinfo <uin|nick> uin is working!                         |
| · Made text before : in !uinfo command in bold style!                     |
| · Made the commands in the !help in bold style!                           |
| · !delete command now says [!delete] and not [!clear] ;)                  |
|                                                                           |
| 20000126                                                                  |
| · Fixed a CRUCIAL "bug" in the installscript... Which lead to that you    |
|   could get the error message that "This is not the path to STRICQ!" etc. |
|   STUPID me for this silly bug!                                           |
| · Release 1.1!                                                            |
|                                                                           |
| 20000127                                                                  |
| · Added the version number to the !help "window".                         |
| · It will now remove the ugly PC Carrige Return at the end of multline    |
|   messages... (And the same on pager messages!)                           |
| · It will now automatically perform a !makelist after you did a !delete!  |
|   But you still have to do it manually after adding a person!             |
|                                                                           |
| 20000130                                                                  |
| · Added so you can check what files you have added. !filelist             |
| · Cleared up the Todo list and added the [1/2/3] there!                   |
|                                                                           |
| 20000201                                                                  |
| · The !filelist works now! :)                                             |
|                                                                           |
| 20000203                                                                  |
| · Optimized the !list command for size/speed, more than 1kb smaller!      |
| · It will now remove the STRICQ temp files from T:!                       |
|                                                                           |
| 20000208                                                                  |
| · Changed some minor code, nothing that affects anything!                 |
|                                                                           |
| 20000209                                                                  |
| · No bugs found after a few days of testing!                              |
| · Release 1.2!                                                            |
|                                                                           |

.-> Todo List <-------------------------------------------------------------.
|                                                                           |
|   -->> Any other ideas you might have, please share them with me!! <<--   |
|                                                                           |
| [1] = WILL do!          [2] = Probably will do!           [3] = MIGHT do! |
|                                                                           |
| The Script:                                                               |
| [1] Add so you can disable/enable some parts of the script!               |
|     /icq !disable <what>     (messages, notifies)                         |
| [1] Fix so it works when you don't use the STRICQ-Mess window! Does it??? |
| [1] Fix so it works as it should even if AmIRC tabbed windows isn't used. |
|     Maybee it already does? Too lazy to try! :)                           |
| [1] Add a command so you can switch to another UIN!                       |
| [1] Add so the window is checked before opened every time (Requires AmIRC |
|     3.4) So this means we will have to wait for a update of AmIRC.        |
| [2] Add so it opens/closes a UIN window via WINCONTROL so it doesn't have |
|     any messages!                                                         |
| [2] Add so it can send messages if you have "" in the msg too.            |
| [3] Add so you can check for new versions of this script!                 |
| [3] Add support for colour in messages. (This will only happen if Doug    |
|     changes STRICQ so it can recieve colours!                             |
| These depends upon if Doug will add the required AREXX Commands:          |
| [2] Add so you can accept/refuse filetransfers from AmIRC.                |
|                                                                           |
| The Installer:                                                            |
| [2] Add so the installer can make AmIRC buttons if the user wants to..?   |
| [2] Add so the installer automatically adds the alias..?                  |
|                                                                           |
| The ReadMe:                                                               |
| [1] Better usage section...                                               |
|                                                                           |

.-> Usage <-----------------------------------------------------------------.
|                                                                           |
| Help on the templates below:                                              | 
|  <xxx> means that the argument is REQUIRED!                               |
|  [xxx] means that the argument is OPTIONAL!                               |
|                                                                           |
|  Get help               : /icq !help                                      |
|  Send message           : /icq !msg <uin|nick> <message>                  |
|  Send URL message       : /icq !url <uin|nick> <url> <message>            |
|  Add file               : /icq !add <path and file>                       |
|  Add file with requester: /icq !addreq                                    |
|  Clear files            : /icq !clear                                     |
|  List files             : /icq !filelist                                  |
|  Send files             : /icq !send <uin|nick> [text]                    |
|  Change status          : /icq !status [status]                           |
|                                Available [status] names:                  |
|                                online, occupied, invisible, away,         |
|                                not available, do not disturb,             |
|                                free for chat, offline                     |
|                                It will tell you your status if no arg is  |
|                                given!                                     |
|  Get User Info          : /icq !uinfo <uin|nick> [part]                   |
|                                Available [part] names:                    |
|                                UID, Nick, First Name, Last Name, E-Mail,  |
|                                E-Mail Secondary, E-Mail Old, City, State, |
|                                Country, Telephone, Fax, Cellular,         |
|                                Homepage, About, Age, Sex, Local Comment,  |
|                                IP Address, Unread Msgs, Status,           |
|  Make a list of contacts: /icq !makelist                                  |
|                                Makes a list of the contacts so you can    |
|                                type the <nick> instead of the <uin>!      |
|  List people in list    : /icq !list [status]                             |
|                                Available [status] names:                  |
|                                Same as for !status!                       |
|  Delete a contact       : /icq !delete <uin|nick>                         |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
| · You don't HAVE to use !msg to send a message, if you do this:           |
|   /icq <uin|nick> <message>                                               |
|   Then it will still be sent it as a normal message to that person!       |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
| BTW: To get latest STRICQ betas, use my GetNewSTRICQ.rexx script!         |
|      (EMail me to get it, it's GREAT!!!)                                  |
|                                                                           |

Contents of comm/misc/AmIRC2STRICQ.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 5645   21119  26.7% -lh5- 86df Feb  9  2000 AmIRC2STRICQ.amirx
[generic]                 2195    7266  30.2% -lh5- ce7c Feb  4  2000 AmIRC2STRICQ.install
[generic]                 4650   20846  22.3% -lh5- b608 Feb  9  2000 AmIRC2STRICQ.ReadMe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         3 files   12490   49231  25.4%            Feb 10  2000
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