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Short:MAJOR FIXES! Unrestricted Internet Organiser. Needs MUI.
Author: stevenw at (Ian Craig Armitage)
Uploader:stevenw netcomuk co uk (Ian Craig Armitage)
Download:comm/misc/AmNet12b.lha - View contents


Most noticably - the inclusion of Icon.mcc custom class by Russell

AmNetControl Internet Package - The Internet Organiser!

Release : 1.2ß  (Aminet Beta Release)
   Date : 22.01.97

What It Is?!
The AmNetControl Package is designed to take care of your Internet
related operations.  When it is installed, it creates all the common
directories to keep all your programs in including Download and Upload
drawers.  It sets Internet related assigns when it is run and removes them
when you quit giving you fast access to Internet Drawers etc.  It provides
help on useful topics and tries to give as much help and information to a
new user as possible.  It can launch your Internet programs and if you use
Miami and thor, can launch these programs and interact with them.  It is
constantly undergoing upgrades and changes to make it the best, most useful
tool of its kind.

Please bare with me if you find serious bugs!, just let me know and they
will be fixed.

Important Release Information

AmNetControl Requires : MUI 3.6+ Available from Aminet.

AmNetControl is supplied complete except for some custom Installers
which I haven't written yet.  They will be posted here when done and will
easily install into the installed package.


This program is supplied as freeware.  Therefore any problems or damage
arising from use of this program will result in a full refund. ;) 


DO NOT run this program from the installation drawer.  Install it first.
You can just delete the drawer it makes if you don't like it.

Just run the installer program.  it will install the AmNetControl Package
and install a default configuration.  It will also give you the option of
installing custom installers.  Unfortunately Only Miami and Voyager Are
available at this time.

The Installer will make a drawer called 'Internet' where you specify.

Usage is pretty simple, Miami can be made to auto run and iconify. you then
just click on on-line to go on-line etc..  your programs can be launched
from the buttons.  There are some help features on the pull down menus.

AmNetController uses the short 'bubble' help system of MUI.  Just keep your
mouse pointer over an button/option for a few seconds for a description.

Things to remember
* AmNetController is meant to run as the 'Hub' of your internet session.
  for this reason, you should run this program FIRST.  It sets assigns and
  auto launches Miami (Optional) for you.  It will also tell Miami (which 
  in turn tells other internet programs) to quit.  

* You can only launch CLI programs.  it supports arguments but not
  tooltypes.  Although it is possible to launch DOS and Arexx Scripts
  using a line such as
  'Sys:Rexxc/rx <Arexx script>'
  'C:Execute <DOS script>'

* If your Thor System is Not called Internet, Please change it in the
  AmNetController Settings even if you don't use AmNetController's Thor
  Settings.  This is because Thor's SendTCP and GetTCP *Have* to have a
  System Specified.  You will have to turn off the 'Use Thor Default
  Config?' in the Misc settings area.  Then go to Thor Settings, change
  your system and then change 'Use Thor Default Config?' back.

Everything else should work.  If problems are found, please send them to
the email address below.

Things STILL to be added or changed
* Get Mail at login and Get News at login will probably be in
  the next version.  At the moment, these only worked with internal serial
  device users who use serial.device.  Because not everyone uses this, I
  decided to leave this out of this release until I can find a better
  solution for checking on-line.  If you do use the internal serial port via
  serial.device, email me and I will send this version to you.

* The installer will undergo more changes and updates.  The installers for
  AmIRC, thor and the others will take the form of custom modules that i
  can change when new versions of the programs come out.  These modules 
  will be uploaded on aminet.  A set will be created very soon and included
  with the package.

* I still want some icons for the package and a nice new logo.  I would
  prefer it in the MagicWB style as this is an MUI program which always
  look best in a XEN style.

If you feel you can help development of This package, feel free to send me
an Email.  NOTE: this is NOT my Email address and so the word 'CRAIG' MUST
be put in the subject so that it can be redirected to me.

Subject: CRAIG

This Package is Copyright (C)1996 Ian Craig Armitage.  All Rights Reserved.

Permission is given to copy/upload this package to wherever you want as 
long as the archive stays unchanged.

29.12.96 .090b - Initial release

29.12.96 .091b - Fixed archiving errors and tidied up a little.

04.01.97 .096b - Fixed AboutMUI and MUIConfig Menus.
               - Removed Miami QUIT Button.  Not Needed.
               - Changed Close gadget to Iconify to avoid
                 unwanted shutdowns.

               - Fixed stupid user program Hide bug.
               - Added Username, Password and FTP Download drawer to

               - Getmail, Get News, Send Events & DoAll now implemented.

               - Appicon is now always AmNetController's Icon.
               - Added User-Start-up And User-Exit scripts to allow custom 
                 start-up for servers, phone loggers etc...  The default
                 editor can be changed in the prefs and there is 2 new
                 menu items for editing scripts.

08.01.97 .097b - Added Bubblehelp and removed Bubblehelp button.
                 Bubblehelp can be disabled via the MUI Preferences.

               - All thor buttons except auto-doall now work.  But they
                 need testing.

               - TELNET: assign replaced with more useful 'MISC:' assign.

               - Added Custom Written MUI Based Installer(0.5ß).  This, 
                 for me, has more versatility for messing with my configs

               - Currently using MagicWB icons from Aminet.  I Really need
                 my own icons!

09.01.97 .098b - Fixed bugs in AmNetController when no config is available.

               - Added more features to Installer including Partial Config
                 Manipulation (ooh big words!)

11.01.97 .0981b- Fixed REALLY DUMB bug which looked for sendtcp/gettcp in 
                 Thor: Rather than Thor:bin/

20.01.97 1.0b  - Added Voyager & Miami custom installers.  These can be 
                 launched from the Main Installer or From the pull-down
                 menus in AmNetController.  The installers will be updated
                 when needed for new releases of the programs.  They can be
                 released as small add-ons on the Aminet.  In a future
                 version, i'll make AmNetController Detect what installers
                 are in your Installers Directory so that new programs 
                 can be installed easier.  

               - Added new section in prefs for User Information.  This
                 will be used for printing out/constructing Email to send
                 to your internet provider with information about your
                 system.  Not implemented in this version.

               - Added Thor button for launching thor.

               - Re-arranged pull-down menus for installers.
               - Auto-DoAll button has been converted to an AREXX script

               - Auto-DoAll arexx script added in Internet:rexx/.  This
                 script will launch Miami (if it's not running), then go
                 on-line, send thor events, get mail/news.  then hang-up and
                 parse your mail.
               - Installer now loads old config file if you install to
                 the same directory.  This is to allow updates to be
                 installed easier.
               - Configuration is now stored in PROGDIR: (the Amnet
                 directory).  this makes it possible to have multiple 
                 installations of AmNetControl for different Internet

21.01.97 1.1b  - Added detection for On-line/Off-line but for the moment 
                 will only work with Internet Serial Port. * 
               - Added 'Send Events After On-line' & 'Get Mail/News'.
                 Unfortunately, relies on On-line Detection so users
                 of other serial.devices will have problems. *

               - Fixed 'Get News Button'.

               - Added Internal commands to send arexx QUIT commands to
                 Known Internet Apps that do not accept quit commands
                 from Miami.  These are currently Thor & IBrowse.

               - Changed wording in various places.  Part of my quest to
                 make the text as easy to understand as possible ;)

* theses functions are in a special version available from me.  They are
only of use if you use the internal serial port and the commodore
30.01.97 1.2b  - Included Icon.mcc in the installation archive.
	         AmNetInstaller would just crash if this class was not

               - Loads of Internal Changes in Installer including
                 CreateDir() (Thanks to Kelly J. Cochran!).  More changes
                 will follow.

               - Installer now checks for existance of start/stop scripts
                 and does not install over them if they exist.


I am making a public request for Icon Artists to design some icons for
The AmNetController package.  I Would Like a plain icon, MWB icon and
NewIcons Icon.  Also, If you can do a better logo that i have done, send it
to me.  You will be credited in the About requester and the Documents.

The next release will have an Image button bar as an alternative to the big
menu.  This will be very similar to the Apps launcher with microsoft office
on the PeeCee.  So i would like icons for that too.  They should take the
approximate size of the icons in the tool bar of Dopus5.

Contents of comm/misc/AmNet12b.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 4389   11421  38.4% -lh5- 63cb Jan 30  1997 amnetcontrol_install/AmNetControl.readme
[generic]                 1308    1826  71.6% -lh5- 9e97 Jan 14  1997 amnetcontrol_install/
[generic]                 4152   11306  36.7% -lh5- 9b61 Jan 30  1997 amnetcontrol_install/
[generic]                  758    1611  47.1% -lh5- 21ac Jan 30  1997 amnetcontrol_install/
[generic]                 1411    2559  55.1% -lh5- 89ee Jan 26  1997 amnetcontrol_install/icons/
[generic]                 4665    8813  52.9% -lh5- 461d Jan 26  1997 amnetcontrol_install/icons/
[generic]                  973    1822  53.4% -lh5- f455 Jan 17  1997 amnetcontrol_install/
[generic]                 1077    4046  26.6% -lh5- cbea Jan 22  1997 amnetcontrol_install/rexx/AutoDoAll.rexx
[generic]                  231     347  66.6% -lh5- dfdc Jan  9  1997 amnetcontrol_install/scripts/Start.script
[generic]                  211     292  72.3% -lh5- a3ac Jan  9  1997 amnetcontrol_install/scripts/Stop.script
[generic]                23081   75176  30.7% -lh5- 36cc Jan 30  1997 amnetcontrol_install/AmNetController
[generic]                  753    2051  36.7% -lh5- 0d64 Jan 14  1997 amnetcontrol_install/
[generic]                  572    1650  34.7% -lh5- a271 Dec 13  1996 amnetcontrol_install/help/
[generic]                 1889    4870  38.8% -lh5- 6eca Jan 15  1997 amnetcontrol_install/help/
[generic]                  645    1741  37.0% -lh5- fd98 Dec 13  1996 amnetcontrol_install/help/
[generic]                  730    1941  37.6% -lh5- a3e6 Dec 13  1996 amnetcontrol_install/help/
[generic]                14061   39648  35.5% -lh5- 6c2c Jan 30  1997 amnetcontrol_install/Install_AmNetControl
[generic]                 8079   16028  50.4% -lh5- a25b Jan 22  1997 amnetcontrol_install/installers/miami.installer
[generic]                12619   33964  37.2% -lh5- 97ff Jan 17  1997 amnetcontrol_install/installers/voyager.installer
[generic]                  781    1233  63.3% -lh5- 30fc Jan 28  1997
[generic]                 2154    5134  42.0% -lh5- 6e5f Dec 13  1996 amnetcontrol_install/help/
[generic]                 1625    3376  48.1% -lh5- 96c3 Sep  4  1996 amnetcontrol_install/mui/libs/mui/Icon.mcc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        22 files   86164  230855  37.3%            Jan 31  1997
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