84782 packages online
comm/misc/AmiMessenger.lha |
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AmiMessenger is copyright 1996, Robert Cohen. It is FREEWARE, which means
that no money is allowed to be charged for it. AmiMessenger may be included
on your PD or Shareware compilations. It would simply be against the grain
of what Aminet is all about to restrict the distribution, or charge for this
AmiMessenger is a script generator for the retrieval of Aminet files via
ftpmail. You need an email account (obviously), a UUencoder (UUxt included
in this archive), and a recent Aminet Index (you can get one as part
AmiMessengers' function) to take advantage of this system. Complete details
are under the "About" gadget from the main panel.
One note, not covered in the "About" info. There will be some lag time in
clearing the buffers, mainly when loading other than your first Index file,
and when quitting the program, which may seem like hung or stuck code.
Full Aminet Index files are currently 1.7+ megs, and this takes some system
resources. Depending on the system you are trying to run this on, this lag
time may be substantial. Be patient. Also, if you have less than 2.25 megs
of ram, you should not try to use this utility, at least not with full
aminet index files. While the program itself only takes about 250K, the
data cache required by a full Index may over tax your ram.
And even if you have a full PPP or SLIP connection, you may find ftpmail
retrieval a time saver. No waiting for logon, or FTP lag times. I hope
this program proves to be a convenience to a few of you... Enjoy
Contents of comm/misc/AmiMessenger.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 826 1530 54.0% -lh5- 244a Feb 28 1996 AmiMessenger.Readme
[generic] 677 885 76.5% -lh5- 8568 Jun 25 1996 AmiMessenger.Readme.info
[generic] 118529 237900 49.8% -lh5- 83b6 Feb 28 1996 AmiMessenger1_0
[generic] 189 302 62.6% -lh5- f2d6 Feb 28 1996 AmiMessenger1_0.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 120221 240617 50.0% Jun 27 1996
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Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban
Müller and the Aminet team.
Aminet contact address: <aminet aminet net> |