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AmiTEL v2.1b is an emulation software for the norm Videotex CEPT2 used on
the French network Teletel (also Brazilian/Greco Network) and by a lot of BBS
The main originality of this emulator is the fact of its emulating
the main functions of a Minitel M1b in a window using the graphics.library
to make better the graphic interface (keeping original WorkBench colors)
and the speed of the emulation (3.5 times faster than previous versions).
A lot of improvements since the previous release :
- Adding ARexx commands REQINFO, REQSTRING and REQFILE to use Requesters
in ARexx scripts.
- Adding ARexx command GET to get string displayed on screen.
- ARexx command SENDFILE modification with parameters AMIGA and MINITEL
- Open serial device modification (output openning only without shared
- Bug corrected in Minitel's function keys (thanck's for BC 109's bug
- Adding one line copy/paste with Shift + left mouse button.
- copy/paste modification to use accentuation chars.
- Adding NOSTATUS (no status window) and NOENTER (Enter key equal ENVOI
Minitel key) parameters.
- ABOUT gadget is now a real image gadget.
- Possible use on more than 8 colors Workbench screen and adding COLOR16
parameter to use AmiTEL's public screen with 16 colors (great for
A1200/4000 users).
- CAPSLOCK key no more equal to SHIFT key for Minitel function keys.
- Adding control codes (^a to ^_) and timout delay of 1 second (~) in
configuration modem sequences ('ATZ^m','~+++~~~','ATH^m' and 'ATDT' by
default) and in function keys (Macros).
- Create double height, width and size font with original font (thanck's
- Used SDCMD_QUERY and IO_STATUS to detect carrier.
- Automatical detection of Workbench mode (Interlace or not) and adding
INTERLACE parameter to use AmiTEL on an interlace public screen.
- Adding TOPAZ parameter to use Topaz 8 font for gadgets.
- Printing is now only possible on parallel printer.
- ASCII capture modification : Current page saving is now doing when
function key used and no more when screen cleared.
- 'CSI m' bug removed in Mixte Mode.
- OwnDevUnit library support to lock serial.device.
- Default directory for AmiTEL's ARexx script (*.AMTL) is only REXX:
- Added loading and saving several Config/Phonebook/Macros files.
- New true DoubleClick in Phonebook ListView (Hi Fabrice :-).
- NOSTATUS option display Status informations in window titlebar.
- Automatical detection of Workbench mode improved and INTERLACE
parameter must be used.
- My new EMAIL address :
ldfa@amitel.gatelink.fr.net (AmiTEL Support Site)
Contents of comm/misc/AmiTEL210b.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 273 518 52.7% -lh5- 138e Dec 27 1994 AmiTEL.English.guide.info
[generic] 273 518 52.7% -lh5- c06e Dec 27 1994 AmiTEL.guide.info
[generic] 523 2158 24.2% -lh5- 8906 Dec 27 1994 AmiTEL.info
[generic] 379 732 51.8% -lh5- 00d4 Dec 27 1994 AmiTEL.install.info
[generic] 22400 41988 53.3% -lh5- 200b Dec 4 1994 BBTPro
[generic] 1102 1624 67.9% -lh5- 54ab Dec 27 1994 Disk.info
[generic] 28530 43628 65.4% -lh5- 5698 Aug 7 1994 Libs/reqtools.library
[generic] 12727 20704 61.5% -lh5- 034d Aug 27 1994 Libs/xprbbtpro.library
[generic] 12751 20716 61.6% -lh5- e01f Aug 27 1994 Libs/xprbbtpro020.library
[generic] 13253 22856 58.0% -lh5- fe2c Oct 3 1993 Libs/xprzmodem.library
[generic] 13210 22656 58.3% -lh5- aa94 Oct 3 1993 Libs/xprzmodem020.library
[generic] 467 2256 20.7% -lh5- fdda Sep 22 1994 Update
[generic] 14156 38957 36.3% -lh5- 5416 Oct 3 1993 XprZModem.guide
[generic] 275 518 53.1% -lh5- 78fb Dec 27 1994 XprZModem.guide.info
[generic] 47299 116624 40.6% -lh5- 4837 Jul 16 1995 AmiTEL
[generic] 20430 60678 33.7% -lh5- 788b Jul 16 1995 AmiTEL.guide
[generic] 18524 52700 35.1% -lh5- 5e21 Jul 16 1995 AmiTEL.English.guide
[generic] 3231 8238 39.2% -lh5- 9ddc Jul 16 1995 Locale/Catalogs/English/AmiTEL.catalog
[generic] 1570 6070 25.9% -lh5- 3440 Jun 30 1995 AmiTEL.install
[generic] 533 1311 40.7% -lh5- ebb7 Jan 29 1995 rexx/Amigatel.amtl
[generic] 512 1465 34.9% -lh5- 7f50 Jan 29 1995 rexx/BGSN.amtl
[generic] 523 1475 35.5% -lh5- 857f Jan 29 1995 rexx/Rtel.amtl
[generic] 705 2178 32.4% -lh5- 77e4 May 29 1995 rexx/SendTexte.amtl
[generic] 632 1670 37.8% -lh5- 6d5e Jan 23 1995 rexx/SendVideotex.amtl
[generic] 552 1546 35.7% -lh5- a15a Jan 29 1995 rexx/Teaser.amtl
[generic] 102472 350914 29.2% -lh5- ad6a Mar 9 1993 Exemple.vdt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 26 files 317302 824698 38.5% Jul 19 1995
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