Distrib.: YouDrink-Ware (Read the docs)
Kurz: die Uebersetzung von AmigaTNC.guide ins Italienische.
Breve: La traduzione completa in italiano del file "AmigaTNC.guide"
But, what is "AmigaTNC" ???
>> AmigaTNC can emulate a TNC with... a ...modem.
>> Hostmode supporting programs will run on a simple modem.
>> Even KISS-only programs run with AmigaTNC.
>> AmigaTNC even works with KISS-only TNCs and supports the missing
>> hostmode interface for these TNCs.
>> AmigaTNC can be resident in your memory link Permanent Driver.
>> Other stations can use you for digipeating even if your packet radio
>> program isn't running.
>> Somebody can even put a message in your "TNC" or connect you and
>> wait until you load your programme.
>> If you leave your programme, all connects will be kept until you
>> reset your computer. AmigaTNC works completely in the background.
>> If your computer is fast enough or you don't mind a speed decrease
>> if a packet arrives, you can permanently install AmigaTNC in your
>> startup.
>> AmigaTNC can also be used, if you use an old programme which doesn't
>> have a frame collector. AmigaTNC itself has a higly efficent frame
>> collector built in!
>> (...)
>> Requirements
>> - Kickstart 2.04
>> - 512 KB memory
>> - 7MHz or better
>> (...)
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Questa traduzione e` "YouDrinkWare", per favore leggete il file .ReadMe
Nota: il mio indirizzo e-mail e` ancora valido, perche` la mia permanenza
all´Universita` si e` prolungata di alcuni mesi...
Saluti e buon divertimento in packet, con il miglior computer mai visto!
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This translation is YouDrinkWare, please read the Docs,
Note: My e-mail adress is STILL ok, I´m not yet at the end of my work
in the University :-( ....
Best 73`s and happy packeting, with the best computer even seen !!
Beppe Niccolini - iN3iKF
and ex: iW3ALG + Y29YA (Summer ´90)