Fini "Warp" Alring of GiGA Prod.
I made it because my dowload dir, is approx. 80MB, and I simply can't cope with it!
Dopus just isn't enough... ;-)
AmiNetGuide scans the first line of all readme files in a given dir,
where the Short: description is located (Look at the first line of this text!!!)
It then generates an AmigaGuide, with links to both readme and it's main file.
When you click on the filename gadget,
the archive will be decompressed into Ram:, or anywhere you desire.
JPEG's and GIF's can be viewed by a siple click, using you preferable viewer.
When you click on the Short: text the whole readme file will be shown.
Sub-Dirs are shown as gadgets, and by a click,
you can generate a Guide for that directory too.
It can put the Short:-line into the archive's filenote (comment),
which is very useful, especially for BBS ownerS! ;-)
New in v1.5 - 25-Jun-1997
Comment: Can now unpack/view files, which doesn't have a readme file.
· IMPRO AmiNetGuide can see all files, even if they don't have a readme file.
· FIXED Guide "hanged" when opening a Sub-Dir guide.
· FIXED Sub-Dir guides did not use the options set by user.
· FIXED Multithreading now works 100% :).
· ADDED AmigaGuide® support using MultiView (or other clone).
· ADDED NFO support (Text files) using MultiView (or other clone).
· ADDED DMS support, unpacks DMS files (defaults to RAD:).
· ADDED Option: -D = Set DMS unpack destination. ( -D RAD: )
· ADDED Ignores .info files (Icons).
· ADDED Readme files also gets the short: message attached, in -C mode.
New in v1.4f - Fixed a bug, no default value for short length...
ups! why does it always happen!!
New in v1.4 (Huge update!!!) 13 Jun 1997.
· Made a very good argument parsing, which also alows to use spaces in in args,
eg. "Dh1:Down load" <- Just put double quote on both sides.
· Added Seven (Yup 7! ;) options, of which many have been requested by users.
AminetGuide <Download dir> [Options]
-F = Sets Guide font. ( -F Topaz.font 8 )
-V = Path to MultiView. ( -V C:Multiview )
-U = Set unpack dir. ( -U Dh1:Download/Unpacked/ )
-S = Set the length of Short: notes. ( -S 55 )
-C = Add Short: into filecomment, of the archieve.
-G = Don't make Guide, use if only filecomments are wanted.
-P = Path to image viewer. ( -P C:PPshow )
· Option characters are non-case dependant ( -c = -C ).
· Options can be put in any order, but all it's arguments must be entered.
The big readme file is in the Archive.
Other features:
· It's MailWare - I only want your own productions, and a little letter...!
· It multithreads, so you can unpack many files at ones,
and have multiple readme windows opened at the same time...
· The -Aminet.guide will be placed in the download directory...
· Date sorting.
· Type sorting.
· Support of more pictures and Archives.
· Maybe support for FILEID.DIZ.
· write me!! 8)
*** NOTE: To get more help, start the program without arguments ***
Author: fini.alring@netmedia.dk (Fini 'Warp' Alring)
IRC: Sunsite.auc.dk or irc.FUnet.fi (FUnet - EFnet?). Channel: #AmigaDK
NOTE to bug reporters:
Please tell me what version you are using, since I make updates frequently.
Only Amiga makes it possible!!!