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Updated script now has the ability to download all photos from the
camera, as well as erase all photos from the camera. Other
enhancements include support for non-sequential resolution numbers as
return by various cameras, and the ability to change the camera's
resolution, flash and color modes from the GUI. You can also have the
camera take a picture or get a preview image from the GUI controls.
Known Bug: This is more to do with Digicam itself rather than the
GUI, but when taking a photo from remote using larger resolutions,
your camera may not store the image fast enough and Digicam will time
out and resend the command to take a photo. The can result in a
endless loop where the camera just keeps taking photo after photo.
Sending a CTRL-C to the script will abort this loop and exit the
program with some error messages. You do not need to report these to
me since I'm already aware of them. I will try to fix the Digicam
source and upload a new version if I can solve this problem.
I wanted to create a simple GUI for DigiCam that would provide the
basic framework for the command set that it supported. The result is
DigiCam_Triton.rexx, a simple but easy to use GUI. The script is
easily configured by editing some variables at the beginning to
reflect your system and camera configurations. The default setup
works very well with my Epson PhotoPC 750Z connected to my A4000 on
the built-in serial port.
DigiCam_Triton.rexx allows you to list the directory of the camera's
memory, display the selected thumbnail image, download the selected
image, or erase the selected image from the camera. Due to
limitations in TritonRexx there is no multi-select available at this
time. Operations are performed on a single photo or all photos in the
camera's memory.
Contents of comm/misc/DigiCamGUI.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1023 2118 48.3% -lh5- b0ab Jul 4 2001 DigiCamGUI.readme
[generic] 4579 21923 20.9% -lh5- 395f Jul 4 2001 DigiCam_Triton.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 5602 24041 23.3% Jul 5 2001
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