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Some time ago I hacked this simple flex parser to calculate my phone-bill
value from the logfile generated by Miami. A few of my friends liked it
and seem to use it frequently, so I decided to release it in the hope that
there may be more persons preferring simplicity over baroqueness of other
log-analyzers. As for the source, let's say it's freeware.
Things that have changed from previous release:
- added ability to specify unit price at the command line
Example usage:
MiamiLog 0.22 <Miami:phone.log
and the output looks like this:
day 01: ######### (00:23:05)
day 02: ############ (00:29:23)
day 03: ############ (00:29:58)
day 04: ########### (00:25:04)
day 05: ####################### (01:01:54)
day 06: ############################## (01:24:46)
day 07: ################### (00:55:09)
day 08: ########################################## (01:59:17)
day 09: #### (00:07:22)
day 10: ################# (00:47:31)
day 11: ###################### (00:54:45)
day 12: #### (00:09:11)
day 13: ########### (00:25:27)
day 14: ######################### (01:09:23)
day 15: ######################## (01:05:20)
day 16: ################ (00:41:29)
day 17: ######### (00:19:44)
day 18: ###### (00:16:20)
day 19: ####### (00:17:30)
day 20: ################## (00:48:16)
day 21: ##### (00:11:57)
day 22: ###################### (01:01:31)
day 23: (00:00:00)
day 24: (00:00:00)
day 25: ######## (00:22:46)
day 26: ######################################## (01:51:53)
day 27: ### (00:05:14)
Last connection: 1 pulses (0.22 zl)
Sum: 400 pulses
Time: 17:44:15
Price: 88.00 zl
Daily: 3.26 zl
There was 1 crash so the actual pulse count may be higher!
As you can see, it calculates the cost in "zlotys" using current rates for
telephone connection in Poland. Modifying it to support other
rates/countries is trivial and is left as an exercise for the reader.
And BTW - MiamiLog only understands logfiles containing entries from ONE
month. Yes, I know, but remember - I am not charging money for this stuff. :)
Have fun,
Contents of comm/misc/MiamiLog4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 554 1188 46.6% -lh5- 7950 Sep 10 1998 MiamiLog.info
[generic] 13427 22728 59.1% -lh5- 9bcd Sep 10 1998 MiamiLog/MiamiLog
[generic] 1140 3048 37.4% -lh5- aad2 Sep 10 1998 MiamiLog/MiamiLog.l
[generic] 1070 3067 34.9% -lh5- 12f6 Sep 10 1998 MiamiLog/MiamiLog.readme
[generic] 79 95 83.2% -lh5- 13d5 Mar 1 1998 MiamiLog/SCOPTIONS
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 16270 30126 54.0% Sep 10 1998
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