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Short:A German point-programme for PacketRadio
Uploader:David amc cube net
Version:0.12 BETA
Download:comm/misc/PPoint_v0-12.lha - View contents

This is a powerful GERMAN programme for PacketRadio. It is
a point-programme for the AMIGA computer. Please send me
BUG-Reports to my Email adresse!!!


            __ __  *====================================*             __ __
           / // /  *     Standard Amiga FD-Software     *            / // /
          / // /   *         Copyright Note (TM)        *           / // /
         / // /    *====================================*          / // /
 __ __  / // /     *                                    *  __ __  / // /
 \ \\ \/ // /      *       Version 1.1 - English        *  \ \\ \/ // /
  \ \\/ // /       *            27-Feb-1995             *   \ \\/ // /
   \ / // /        *                                    *    \ / // /
    """ ""         *====================================*     """ ""


If you are a user I hope you like this Standard Copyright Note for Free Dis-
tributable Amiga Software you only have to read once  instead of individual
notes.  There are translated versions  of this document available on Aminet
/pub/aminet/docs/misc/AFD-Files1-xx.lha (xx = number of languages).

If you are a software developer  and want to include  this document in your
own FD package then please  read it carefully first,  especially chapter 5
"DEVELOPERS INFORMATION". Thank you for your support.


a. This software is copyrighted by its developer(s). That means that you
   are NOT ALLOWED to modify the program(s) and documentation in any way.
   Especially you MUST NOT REMOVE the documentation or this text file.

b. You are NOT allowed to use this software or any part of it for any other
   purpose than that one mentioned in its documentation, this also includes
   any fonts,  images or samples.  If the developer(s)  did NOT include the
   source code of the program(s) in this package you are NOT allowed to de-
   compile any part of it.


This package is freely distributable.  That means  you are allowed to re-
distribute this package as long as you follow these points:

a. Any re-distribution  has to include  all files in this archive, including
   this "AFD-COPYRIGHT" file, without any modifications. You are NOT allowed
   to add any files to the archive.

b. This package may be freely distributed via BBSs, InterNet/UseNet,
   software libraries such as Fred Fish's and Aminet CD-ROM, and other
   similar electronic channels.

c. Disk magazines and services that charge extra for file transfers may
   NOT distribute it without written permission by the developer(s)!


By using this product, you accept the FULL responsibility for any damage
or loss that might occur through its use or the inability to use it. The
developer(s) of the software  and the author and the translators of this
"Copyright Note" can NOT be held responsible.

IMPORTANT: The author and the translators of this "Copyright Note" do
           NOT give any  guarantee for the quality and usefulness of
           ANY products that are subject to this note!!!


"Free distributable" only says that you do not have to pay for copying or re-
distributing the software. You are allowed to test this product for 30 days.
If you like it and decide to use the product regularly,  most of the develo-
pers want something in return for their efforts.

The documentation of this software contains one classification out of these:

a. Freeware - You are allowed to use this software FREE.

b. Mailware - You have to send the developer(s) a MESSAGE
              (by email or snailmail).

c. Cardware - You have to send the developer(s) a POSTCARD.

d. Donationware - You have to make a DONATION to an organisation as stated
                  in the documentation to this product.
g. Giftware - You are requested to send the developer(s) a GIFT,
              for example:
                             - some candy or
                             - a package of disks or
                             - a copy of a self-made program or
                             - some money or
                             - an Amiga 5000 PowerTower ;-)

s. Shareware - You have to send the developer(s) the amount of MONEY
               demanded in the documentation.


The concept of a "Standard-Licence" like this one has several advantages:

- You as a developer don't have to think about copyright stuff yourself.
- The users of your product have to read it only if they haven't done so
- This document is available in several languages via Aminet.
  So you can be sure that the users have read it at least once and did
  understand it.

If you want to include "AFD-COPYRIGHT"(TM) in your own Amiga(TM) FD-Software
package you have to follow these rules:

a. Read this whole document carefully  and make sure that you agree with the

   (If you do not agree with it, do not use it! You are allowed to copy parts
   of it,  but IF you do so,  you MUST NOT use the names "AFD-COPYRIGHT"(TM)
   and "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note"(TM).)

b. Make sure that you use the following Default-Tools in the .info-files you
   are going to release:

   - for ASCII texts:           More
   - for AmigaGuide® documents: AmigaGuide
   - for IFF-ILBM pictures:     Display
   - for Installer scripts:     Installer

   (The idea of this rule was inspired by Osma "Tau" Ahvenlampi, Finland.
   It was included to set a standard. If someone does not use these tools
   (s)he has to make not more than one link per file type!)

c. Include a paragraph like the following in the manual to your product:

 This software is subject to the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note"
 It is <type_of_software> as defined in paragraph 4<x>. [...]
 For more information please read "AFD-COPYRIGHT" (Version 1 or higher).


 This software is subject to the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note"
 It is SHAREWARE as defined in paragraph 4s.
 If you like it and use it regularly please send $15 to ...
 For more information please read "AFD-COPYRIGHT" (Version 1 or higher).

d. You have to include this file called "AFD-COPYRIGHT"(TM) (English).
   IF you include an  AmigaGuide® hypertext documentation you can link it to
   this file or include  the whole text  in the AmigaGuide® file just as you
   like. Please do not add more than  two translations  of this file to your
   package. So your package doesn't get too big.


"AFD-COPYRIGHT"(TM) was written by Dietmar Knoll. It is itself subject to the
above copyright note (© 10.12.1994, 27.02.1995).

If you have any comments, hints or questions or some suggestions for the next
version, please write to the following addresses:

  Dietmar Knoll         InterNet-Email:  To:
  Iltisweg 6                             Subject: AFD
D-37081 Göttingen       My WWW-Homepage:

The translators of this document and their addresses are stated in
the corresponding files. The translations are © by the translators.

Contents of comm/misc/PPoint_v0-12.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   34      34 100.0% -lh0- 2542 Feb 24  1997 absender
[generic]                  562    2273  24.7% -lh5- a6f7 Mar 15  1997
[generic]                   30     264  11.4% -lh5- 744b Mar  6  1997 fonts/GTBGadget.font
[generic]                 1424    2632  54.1% -lh5- 335f Sep  5  1994 fonts/gtbgadget/8f
[generic]                   44     524   8.4% -lh5- 92e9 Mar  6  1997 fonts/topaz.font
[generic]                 1582    3192  49.6% -lh5- a059 Jul  6  1994 fonts/topaz/11
[generic]                  493    2632  18.7% -lh5- aab3 Nov 12  1996 fonts/topaz/8f
[generic]                51075  150792  33.9% -lh5- 1460 Mar 15  1997 Packet-Point
[generic]                 4425   13493  32.8% -lh5- 5539 Mar 15  1997
[generic]                  765    1612  47.5% -lh5- 0295 Mar 15  1997
[generic]                  255     383  66.6% -lh5- ca4f Mar 15  1997
[generic]                  420     767  54.8% -lh5- cc7c Mar  3  1997 PP.prefs
[generic]                  477     968  49.3% -lh5- caab Mar 15  1997 Readme_FIRST
[generic]                  798    3395  23.5% -lh5- 759b Mar 15  1997
[generic]                  665    1674  39.7% -lh5- c7cc Feb 25  1997 Registrierung
[generic]                  763    1611  47.4% -lh5- 6acc Mar 15  1997
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        16 files   63812  186246  34.3%            Mar 16  1997
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