What is it?
It is a utility for attaching and error checking separate UUencoded mails
in a single capture file. Note that it is not a UUdecoder! You may use it to
easily attach some uuencoded mails which are stored in a capture file mixed
with other texts (e.g. Terminus capture files or the like) and if exist
some nasty errors in the uuencodes, ShirUUX will address it properly.
Finially a file with the extension of "_OK" is generated which "uudecode" may
can decode it.
Only you must have OS 2+ for the ASL and ASL.library itself. Also the file
"uudecode" must be in "C:".
"ShirUUX" is tested to work correctly on A1200 and must work
on any box named Amiga.
It uses ASL requester, checks only for default uuencode settings of FTP
sites. Stops just when reaches an error, the error is generated when the
number of lines per mail and per part are not ok.
How to use it:
simply double click the icon and an asl requester is poped up. enter the
path/file of the capture file containing the uuencoded mails. Note that
they *Must* be in correct ordering i.e. the sequence of mails must be
correct because ShirUUX does not check for this (maybe in next versions
does!). Also note that the capture file must contain only one uuencode
file. The possible error message is self explenatory and it that case you
can refer to the error line and get the erroneous mail again from your
site. A file named "out" is created on ram disk: which tells more about the
error. It will list the number of lines beginning with "M" and length of
Sorry, but so small and simple to document more.
Why and How:
This software is programmed in Kick-Pascal. I had several searches for some
active pascal programmers on Amiga, but could not find any!
Anyway I always had trouble with uuencoded mails in acapture file, some
times for nasty reasons the connection to my site is cut and I get screwed
if I had been recieving uuencodes, so it is very possible to have distorted
or erroneous data or some replicas of data in the final capture file.
Most of uudecoders do not distinguish this problem and generate erroneous
archives. Checking and addressing the problem is very hard and get many
About Pascal:
Most people say that pascal is dead or is not good for system programing,
but I don't believe that. I think pascal is better than AMOS or BASIC or
some other languges which do not seem to be dead. I think pascal is oppressed
just like the Amiga.
I have developed many usefull units for Kick-Pascal. The coolest one is
a unit called "Vijegan.Unit". This unit is a very versatile, easy to use
GUI maker for pascal. You can program for this unit in a
special, but easy to understand script language and create any groups of
gadgets and windows in any form and color. Then save this script file
somewhere and in pascal only write:
Uses Vijegan;
read_script("you gui script file");
After that there are many functions which let you easily control those windows
and gadgets in any desired fashion.... ;-)
If you are interested please contact me or get "Vijegan.lha" from Aminet
when available. I would like to see some ppl interested and work together.
I have developed it so that one can program a GUI editor for it using
itself! but I have not enough time to do that.
Copyright matters:
(c) 1998, All rights reserved for Hossein Shirdashtzadeh.
"ShirUUX" is a CardWare, it means that if you like it, please send me a
cardpostal from your hometown or city. You can spread it freely and do
anything with the contents of the archive but let this readme and the main
files be intact if you are spreading it, only add yours to it and if
possible let me know. The Pascal source is included and you may also change
the source code in your taste.
Please feel free to contact me and send suggestions to:
No. 132, Kerdabad,
Jey st., Isfahan,
Zip code: 81599
Email: shirdash@www.dci.co.ir
My sig is:
______"Vajegan" is The First Intelligent PERSIAN Editor For AMIGA_________
/// __ {---[ H. Shirdashtzadeh ]--{
TT /// * TT /<>\ } Proud AMIGA Pascal Programmer }
_ * _ || K *_* || \_ / { A 1200, 030/50 MHz, 2Meg Chip {
((___)) ||___\\ ___// || ___// } 4M Fast ,HD 3.2G ,19.2K Modem }
\\___/__((____))_{___/___II_{___/_______{ Iran, Isfahan, Nesf-eh-Jahaun {
\X//"Every wise man is powerfull"_____{____ Shirdash@www.dci.co.ir ___{