This archive contains two programs, rcasio and wcasio, which can read and write
data for a Casio BOSS. Earlier versions of these programs only seemed to work
on my SF-4600B but I've had reports that version 1k now works with other models
such as the SF-5100.
Although the Casio transfers the data in a form similar to an Intel
Hex dump, the programs use a file format on the Amiga which is readable by a
text editor. It is not recommended that a user try to create new records on the
Amiga unless they really know what they're doing, but it is possible to edit
text in existing records such as phone numbers and memos. Wcasio always re-calculates
field lengths and the checksum when sending dta back to the Casio. In version 1k,
the two programs also convert between Casio and Amiga codes for accented
characters - there are a few Casio characters which have no equivalent in the
Amiga character set and those few are still represented in hexadecimal with a
preceeding backslash.
I have assumed that you've already got an interface. If not, see the one in
hard/misc/mcc040.lha. I have now added documentation of the one I use based
on the MAX-232 chip.
FYI. The author of mcc040 tells me that my programs don't work with his Casio.
His program doesn't work with my Casio. I hope we can eventually figure out why
this should happen.
V 1d. I've removed some debugging statements that shouldn't be in the program
V 1k. Serial I/O should work on more than just the Sf-4600B. Accented charaters
are now translated properly.