*** This release is a fix for a problem with ARexx handling dates
after 8 September 2009. (See NetClock.readme for details.)
NetClock.rexx is an alternative to utilities such as SynClock (AmiTCP),
which set the local clock in accordance with the time obtained by
querying the 'daytime' port (13) of a remote host. NetClock.rexx is
based on (and replace) atomic.rexx and use the Intelliserver Technology
by John Chufar. (See the doc in the included atomic2_0_7 package.)
NetClock set the timezone and the daylight saving offset from info
collected from 'locale.prefs', a TZ environment variable, or a DSTRULE
entry in the configuration file. Providing a full DST rule is available,
NetClock can properly adjust the system clock for any place in the world,
at any time.
NetClock can optionally create time zone environment variables like TZ,
If your system clock 'loose' seconds too often, you don't have a battery
backed clock or the battery is dead (better remove it) but you can access
to Internet from time to time, NetClock is for you.
With or without Net access, additional utilities (scripts) provided can
help to keep an eye on your system clock and auto-switch to STD/DST when
needed, or to calculate date/time for other time zones.
1) AmigaDOS 3.x or greater
(env:Locale.prefs file is used if available)
2) ARexx
3) For the clock sync. operation, a TCP/IP stack
(AmiTCP, Miami, ...) and a mounted TCP: device
Note: OS4.x has already a SNTP client built in the "Time" tool
for time synchronisation with remote (NTP) servers.
From a shell (or a DOS script), type:
rx [path]NetClock.rexx [options]
Note: If the path is 'Rexx:', the '.rexx' filename extension
can be omitted. The path can be omitted as well.
(assuming 'NetClock.rexx' is installed in the 'Rexx:' dir)
- To see a list of the options:
rx NetClock help
- To test NetClock without making changes to your clock:
rx NetClock test
- To sync. your system clock with remote daytime services
using the default parameters set in 'NetClock.conf':
rx NetClock
See the .readme file inside the archive for more.
What's new since v1.4:
v1.5: - Quick fix for a problem with ARexx handling dates
after 8 Sept. 2009
By default, ARexx handles numbers with up to 9 digits.
Starting from 9 September 2009, dates in seconds (with
1 Jan. 1978 as a base) have more than 9 digits.
- John Chufar for Atomic v2.0.7 which this script is based on.
- Stefan Falke for SetDST v1.9 (Aminet: util/time/SetDST.lha)
from which I borrowed the idea to create some ENV variables.
- sundown, Chris_Y and olsen (from AmigaWorld.net) for their
help with Amiga OS4 and scripts.
This program is freeware.
AmigaPhil, January 2010.
Contact: see the above uploader field.