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Short:RTTY receive and transmit program by DL4ZBH. Requires a terminal unit for operation.
Author:Joe DL4ZBH
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Download:comm/misc/rttyam.lha - View contents

                     *                             *
                     *   Doc-file for Amiga-RTTY   *
                     *     from DL4ZBH, Joe        *
                     *                             *

1. Installation

2. Connection   

3. How to start 

4. The pull-down-menues 

5. Function-keys and 'Short - Cuts'     

6. Functions of the editor      

7. Monitorwindow

8. Switching letters <-> figures during receive

1. Installation

The programm only consists out of the program file 'RTTY', the icon ''
and the konfig-file 'Funkeytext.rtty'. You have to copy all these files into
one drawer. 

You can write your private texts on the function-keys. Every enter can have
up to 255 letters, every enter ends with '#'. You can config 20 keys (use 
shift - functionkey for ten more).

(Note for people using HD-Controller from Kronos:
For correct work with RTTY in Multitask you must disable the IRQ of any
partition-task. For this you must edit the devsetup file and then run set-
autoboot. When you have problems, you can contact me.)

2. Connection

You will need a 25 - pin D - Sub - plug for the RS - 232 port and 
a shirmed cable with three wires.
Connection is as follows:

        Pin 7  = Ground
        Pin 6  = RXData
        Pin 20 = TXData
        Pin 4  = PTT

Attention: there are +/- 12 Volt on this port!

The programm needs a normal converter and afsk-generator, like that from

3. How to start

You can start with dubbleclick from workbench or from CLI with "RTTY".

Two windows will be opened, the upper shows RXData, the lower you can type
what you want to send.
The program now receives with 45.45 baud in rtty - mode.

When you write a text, you can send it with pressing the key 'Help'. 
During transmission you can write further, it will be transmitted so long,
as you press again 'Help' or there is the sign '~' in the text. This sign
lets rtty switch automatically to receive. 

4. Pull-down-menues

There are five menues:

Menu File: load, save or print the text of the actually window,
           and quit program.
Please note: you can save or print both: the text of the receive-window 
and the text of the transmitter-window. You have to activate the window
first, then you start the action.
Please note also, that you need a devs: directory with the printer-device,
if you want to print something. 

Menu Mode: Mode - select (RTTY Baudot, ASCII oder Amtor)

Menu Baud: Here you select your baudrate.

All selected items are shown with the checkmark.

Menu Transmitter: (QRM - Flag, Diddle, Reverse, Beginsend)
The QRM-Flag makes your output better. The transmitter repeats the information
for letters or figures after every space. So in QRM this is very useful to
inform the receiver about the correct mode.
If you select beginsend, you can send all the text in the transmitter-window
With reverse, only the transmitter sends reverse. Receiving will be normal.

Menu Extras:
"Erase all" erases the transmit-window.If Standby is selected, you can erase
            the text in the receive-window, if this window is active. 
"Standby"   switches off receiving. Then you can edit the text in the receiver-
            window. Selecting Standby again returns to receive-mode.
"Help"      shows short instruction. 

5. Functionkeys and 'Short - Cuts'

All functionkeys can be put up with your texts. See installation to config
your texts, also look to the file funkeytext.rtty for more information.

All important pull - down - menus are reachable with shortcuts. 
Press the right Amiga - key together with the key shown in the pull-down-menu.

6. Functions of the editor
CTRL = Control - Key

CTRL - B: Deletes the line, where the cursor is
CTRL - O: toggles between insert or overwrite-mode. 
          overwrite is selected when the program starts.
CTRL - T: switches tab-mode on-off.
               tap-mode is off when you start.
CTRL - X: cursor on the top of the text.
CTRL - Y: cursor on the end.

7. Monitorwindow

On the top there is a little window. All TXData are shown in scrolltext there.
 'ยป' is a carriage-return with linefeed.

8. Switching letters <-> figures during receive

With the tab-key you can switch between letters and figures during receive.
So in QRM you can get more information.


Attention !!! Mode Amtor is not ready in this version. I am still programming!
so wait for the next version!


If you have some ideas for this program, you can contact me via packet-radio.
So I wish you good RTTY-DX with this program.

 73, DL4ZBH @DB0EAM.DEU.EU  (Joe)

Final Note:
This program is public domain. You can copy it absolutely freely. If you have
payed money for this, then somebody profits out of your stupidity !

Contents of comm/misc/rttyam.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  464    1257  36.9% -lh5- 4fe3 May  4  1990 funkeytext.rtty
[generic]                25613   56628  45.2% -lh5- a9bd May  4  1990 preferences
[generic]                21692   45600  47.6% -lh5- 9da9 Mar  6  1991 rtty
[generic]                 2115    4944  42.8% -lh5- 08bd Mar  6  1991 RTTY.dok
[generic]                  222     421  52.7% -lh5- b860 Mar  6  1991
[generic]                  339     817  41.5% -lh5- f2b8 Mar  6  1991
[generic]                  129     232  55.6% -lh5- ebab May  4  1990 system-configuration
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         7 files   50574  109899  46.0%            Jul 13  1996
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