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Short:V50.11a TCP Data Broadcast System (library & server)
Author: hparting at (Håkan Parting & Jeremy Friesner)
Uploader:hparting hem passagen se (Håkan Parting)
Requires:Workbench 2.04+, AmiTCP3.0b+ or compatible TCP stack
Download:comm/net/AMarquee50.lha - View contents


                          AMARQUEE v50.11a

                    (Released April 8th 2000)


The Problem: 

 You have a great idea for a killer multi-player Internet game 
 or multi-user net app, but it's a total pain in the @)#$* to 
 write all the TCP connection and data synchronization code 
 you'll need to get it going.  So you put your idea on the 
 back-burner and go play "Lemmings" instead.  And thus the 
 Amiga is deprived of a fun Internet app.  D-oh!  :(
The Solution:  (well, okay, it's *a* solution, anyway)

 AMarquee is a system that handles all of the icky information 
 distribution details for you, allowing you to concentrate on 
 coding your application, rather than on which data goes into 
 which socket when.  AMarquee consists of a shared library and
 a TCP daemon, which work together to get your data where it
 needs to be.  Your program calls simple amarquee.library
 functions to broadcast your data, and waits on a provided
 MsgPort for data from other hosts.  Easy!

 Version 49+ of amarquee.library may be used in more serious network
 applications too, that cannot use the amarquee protocol, like FTP and HTTP
 clients. This in the same easy fashioned way!

Features of amarquee.library (the shared library/API):

 - Programs written to use amarquee.library will work transparently
   with Inet225, AmiTCP, Miami, or any other TCP stack that is 
   "AmiTCP compatible".
 - Has a simple API that requires no knowledge of multithreading 
   techniques or socket programming to use.
 - Each AMarquee connection you make automatically and transparently
   starts a separate background execution thread, so your app will 
   never have to block while data is sent or received.
 - An arbitrary number of AMarquee connections may be active at once.
 - Allows you to "subscribe" to data that interests you, so that
   when the data on the server is changed you will be automatically 
   notified.  You never need to poll for anything!
 - An easy mechanism for sending messages to one or many other
   AMarquee clients that are logged into the same server.
 - Standard Amiga wildcarding is supported in all applicable functions.
   This allows you to easily and succinctly refer to one host or data
   item, or many, as appropriate.
 - #includes for C, C++, and PCQ Pascal are included.
 - ARexx accessible.  That is, ARexx scripts can use amarquee.library
   through rexxamarquee.library for communications using the same API
   that compiled C programs do.
 - Example programs in C, C++, Pascal, and ARexx are included.
 - Operation is almost totally asynchronous for efficiency, but
   several easy synchronization methods are available if you need them.
 - Can also be used for direct client-to-client connections and
   for making inetd-launched or manually-launched daemon programs.
 - Automatically detects when the computer on the other end of
   the AMarquee connection has crashed or been shut down, even 
   on idle connections.
 - Can connect to any TCP service, eg. HTTP and FTP, and it will work in
   the same easy fashion like any other AMarquee connection.

Features of AMarqueed (the AmiTCP server):

 - Works with Inet225, AmiTCP, Miami, or any other TCP stack 
   that is "AmiTCP compatible".
 - Fully multithreaded design, with one server process per connection.
 - Re-entrant code, to minimize memory usage.
 - Data is stored in a filesystem-like tree structure for simplicity,
   flexibility and efficiency.  Each client gets its own "home directory"
   that it may write to or read from, and each client may also
   read from the "home directories" of other clients.
 - Efficient design minimizes CPU usage, net bandwidth, and execution time.
 - Limits may be put on memory usage, number of connections, and/or 
   which clients or apps may connect.  Only serve the hosts and apps
   you want to serve!
 - Supports data streaming to one or many clients at once.
 - Data streaming and synchronization features let you be sure your 
   data was read by all interested hosts before you update it again.
 - Automatically detects and eliminates "dead" connections (e.g.
   if the client computer was shut down without quitting politely)
 - Server may be administered remotely by clients with "privileged"

( "-" = new feature, "*" = bug fix)
V50.11a: (Public Release 8-Apr-2000) (amarquee.library v50.11, rexxamarquee.library v50.6, AMarqueed v49.7)
-    Added a amarquee.lib for use with vbccm68k C-compiler.
-    Modified the AMarquee_protos.h file to make it work with vbcc and other compilers.
-    AMarquee is Donationware. Now you could register online. See the distribution section in the
     guide for more info. 

V50.11: (Public Release 19-Mar-2000) (amarquee.library v50.11, rexxamarquee.library v50.6, AMarqueed v49.7)
-    amarquee.library now returns larger packets with a Socket-Session connection,
     instead of several small packets.
-    Added function QSetMaxRawBufSize() to library. Use it to set the maximum buffer
     size that shall be used with a Socket Session. This is the maximum size of the
     QMessage you receive. As an option you can use the tag named QRAWSESSION_MAXBUFFERSIZE
     with the QNewSocket*Session() call.
-    Updated rexxamarquee.library with the new function. Rexxamarquee.library v.50x
     requires amarquee.library v.50 or better.
-    Modified QNewSession, QNewSessionAsync, QNewHostSession, QNewServerSession().
     They now also take an additional argument with a tag list.
     Old programs compiled for v.49 or less will still work.
     New programs compiled for v.50 won't work with v.49 or less, so
     the minimum version to require with the protos, fd, and pragmas which are
     in the v.50+ AMarquee-package is 50.
     Old source code using the new header-files must be updated.
-    A tag, QSESSION_ERRORCODEPTR, was added. Set it to a pointer to a LONG-variable
     where you want the error code to be copied. This is needed because QNewSession() returns
     NULL when it fails, i.e. you can't use QFreeSession() to find out why.
-    Dropped support for the INET225 version of amarquee.library. Is anybody using it?
-    Changed the error code which is returned by QFreeSession() or copied to the
     QSESSION_ERRORCODEPTR variable when a connection to a server port failed.
     When the QNewSocketSession(Async) function is used the return code is QERROR_NO_TCPSERVER
     instead of QERROR_NO_SERVER. 
-    QCreateSharedMessagePort(), QDeleteSharedMessagePort() functions added to library.
-    Added example amarqueesharedmp.c to show how to use the new shared message port functions.
*    The qm_Path of the QMessage received when a asynchronious connection have been established
     only contained the host name. It shall also contain the program name, like /hostname/progname,
     when QNewSessionAsync() was used.
-    AMarqueed was not updated in this release.

V49.8 : (Public Release 16-May-1999) (amarquee.library v49.6, rexxamarquee.library v49.6, AMarqueed v49.7)
-    The current AMarqueed server name in the guide was updated.
*    The examples AMarqueeSocketDebug.c and AMarqueeSocketHost.c that demonstrates the
     new QNewSocketSession() functions in amarquee.library v.49. They shall be correct now.
-    Added the examples GetURL.c and GetURL.rexx to the distribution. They show how to retreive
     the index.html from a web-server. Both C and ARexx version included.
-    The libraries and server were not updated.

Contents of comm/net/AMarquee50.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1357    4008  33.9% -lh5- 5c7b Feb 14  1999
[generic]                57920  209765  27.6% -lh5- 3ec3 Apr  8  2000 AMarquee/
[generic]                 1096    1542  71.1% -lh5- 24e4 Apr 10  1998 AMarquee/
[generic]                13807   25240  54.7% -lh5- 28ed Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/amarquee.library
[generic]                  152     152 100.0% -lh0- 985a Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/amarquee.library.sig
[generic]                 3396    7988  42.5% -lh5- 24d2 Apr  8  2000 AMarquee/AMarquee.readme
[generic]                  268     835  32.1% -lh5- 2b11 Apr 10  1998 AMarquee/
[generic]                23902   46412  51.5% -lh5- 192d Feb 14  1999 AMarquee/AMarqueed
[generic]                  152     152 100.0% -lh0- 13ee Feb 14  1999 AMarquee/AMarqueed.sig
[generic]                 1604    4123  38.9% -lh5- d420 Apr 10  1998 AMarquee/EditTextFile.rexx
[generic]                 6410   11260  56.9% -lh5- 07b8 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/AmarqueeDebug
[generic]                 2513    7426  33.8% -lh5- 5e18 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/amarqueedebug.c
[generic]                 2323    6753  34.4% -lh5- db7d Apr 10  1998 AMarquee/examples/amarqueedebug.cpp
[generic]                 2305    7058  32.7% -lh5- 0965 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/amarqueedebug.rexx
[generic]                 7303   13084  55.8% -lh5- 4d14 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/AMarqueeDebugMultiThread
[generic]                 3285    9720  33.8% -lh5- a3ff Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/AMarqueeDebugMultiThread.c
[generic]                 5541    9264  59.8% -lh5- f146 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/amarqueehost
[generic]                 1564    4180  37.4% -lh5- 21a9 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/amarqueehost.c
[generic]                 2116    6383  33.2% -lh5- 313a Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/amarqueehost.rexx
[generic]                 6971   11936  58.4% -lh5- 9868 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/amarqueeserver
[generic]                 1922    5312  36.2% -lh5- fd0d Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/AMarqueeServer.c
[generic]                 4997    8168  61.2% -lh5- c294 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/amarqueesharedmp
[generic]                 1632    5296  30.8% -lh5- bf7b Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/amarqueesharedmp.c
[generic]                 5537    9252  59.8% -lh5- b7fa Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/amarqueesocketdebug
[generic]                 1648    4083  40.4% -lh5- 3e87 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/amarqueesocketdebug.c
[generic]                 5414    9024  60.0% -lh5- 8cfe Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/amarqueesockethost
[generic]                 1417    3379  41.9% -lh5- fd52 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/amarqueesockethost.c
[generic]                  319     656  48.6% -lh5- 0179 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/amarqueetags.o
[generic]                 4788    7468  64.1% -lh5- b73e Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/BounceCount
[generic]                 1169    2915  40.1% -lh5- 7a53 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/BounceCount.c
[generic]                  275     522  52.7% -lh5- 53fc Jan 16  1999 AMarquee/examples/dmakefile
[generic]                  262     494  53.0% -lh5- 224c Apr 10  1998 AMarquee/examples/dmakefile.bak
[generic]                 4693    7272  64.5% -lh5- 2fac Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/geturl
[generic]                 1234    3064  40.3% -lh5- fb74 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/GetURL.c
[generic]                 1247    2788  44.7% -lh5- 5704 May 16  1999 AMarquee/examples/geturl.rexx
[generic]                 1104    2431  45.4% -lh5- db2e Jan 16  1999 AMarquee/examples/killclients.rexx
[generic]                 6495   10552  61.6% -lh5- 56fb Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/MiniIRC
[generic]                 2271    6544  34.7% -lh5- 2c99 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/MiniIRC.c
[generic]                 1984    3336  59.5% -lh5- ab97 Jan 16  1999 AMarquee/examples/PascalTest
[generic]                  502    1139  44.1% -lh5- e64a Jan 16  1999 AMarquee/examples/PascalTest.p
[generic]                 4500    7052  63.8% -lh5- 2149 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/RemoveTest
[generic]                 1039    2551  40.7% -lh5- 28b9 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/RemoveTest.c
[generic]                 5793    9400  61.6% -lh5- cc9a Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/SillyGame
[generic]                 2592    8219  31.5% -lh5- 8c0b Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/SillyGame.c
[generic]                 4774    7472  63.9% -lh5- 3cc0 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/StreamCheck
[generic]                 1245    3137  39.7% -lh5- f6c5 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/StreamCheck.c
[generic]                 4699    7336  64.1% -lh5- 6195 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/Streamgen
[generic]                 1093    2617  41.8% -lh5- baaf Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/streamgen.c
[generic]                 4788    7528  63.6% -lh5- 2ab9 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/Synctest
[generic]                 1305    3255  40.1% -lh5- 68d7 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/examples/SyncTest.c
[generic]                 1169    2649  44.1% -lh5- e56f Jan 16  1999 AMarquee/examples/sysmessage.rexx
[generic]                 1363    5303  25.7% -lh5- 8107 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/clib/AMarquee49_protos.h
[generic]                 1558    6303  24.7% -lh5- 1dc6 Apr  8  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/clib/AMarquee_protos.h
[generic]                  330    1504  21.9% -lh5- 54d0 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/dice/amarqueetags.c
[generic]                  319     656  48.6% -lh5- 0179 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/dice/amarqueetags.o
[generic]                  507    1584  32.0% -lh5- e05f Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/fd/AMarquee49_lib.fd
[generic]                  575    1795  32.0% -lh5- 21cd Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/fd/AMarquee_lib.fd
[generic]                 1436    8455  17.0% -lh5- 19f1 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/inline/AMarquee.h
[generic]                 1265    7072  17.9% -lh5- 714c Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/inline/AMarquee49.h
[generic]                 1610    8708  18.5% -lh5- a7d2 Apr  8  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/lib/amarquee.lib
[generic]                 2072    5193  39.9% -lh5- 9458 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/libraries/AMarquee.h
[generic]                 1701    4161  40.9% -lh5- a1af Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/libraries/AMarquee49.h
[generic]                  522    2177  24.0% -lh5- 0080 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/pragmas/AMarquee49_pragmas.h
[generic]                  597    2548  23.4% -lh5- faaf Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/pragmas/AMarquee_pragmas.h
[generic]                  195     301  64.8% -lh5- 8f1c Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/proto/AMarquee.h
[generic]                  197     305  64.6% -lh5- eb42 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/proto/AMarquee49.h
[generic]                  217     409  53.1% -lh5- 25f5 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/proto/gnu/AMarquee.h
[generic]                  221     413  53.5% -lh5- fb88 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/amiga/proto/gnu/AMarquee49.h
[generic]                 2949   13339  22.1% -lh5- 3301 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/Session.h
[generic]                 2870   12182  23.6% -lh5- 17fb Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/include/Session49.h
[generic]                 5949   23923  24.9% -lh5- a093 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/Install_AMarquee
[generic]                  329     612  53.8% -lh5- c73e Apr 10  1998 AMarquee/
[generic]                 2633    9515  27.7% -lh5- 5bb5 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/PCQ/AMarquee.i
[generic]                  817    6024  13.6% -lh5- 2058 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/PCQ/AMarquee.lib
[generic]                 6733   12988  51.8% -lh5- fa54 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/rexxamarquee.library
[generic]                  152     152 100.0% -lh0- 91a5 Mar 19  2000 AMarquee/rexxamarquee.library.sig
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        76 files  263009  677814  38.8%            Apr  9  2000
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