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comm/net/SetVoiceMail.lha |
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| SetVoiceMail |
Voice Mail Controller - For use with AmiPhone
Short - This GUI lets you quickly select if you want AmiPhone to act as
an answer phone (VoiceMail) for you or just as normal.
The Current version of AmiPhone (v1.90) doesn't have a switch to switch
the VoiceMail on or off. Using this GUI you can select if you want the
VoiceMail on or not by just clicking one of the two buttons.
Installation - Put anywhere you like and run, the "AWAYVAR" tooltype in
AmiPhone must be set to "AWAYVAR=VOICEON"
Credits go to Jon Close for Nucleus, using which I made this.
SetVoiceMail ©1996 Alex Stansfield (Wacky Soft)
E-Mail - Kurt@darkside.demon.co.uk
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| ################################## |
|If only everything in life was Wacky|
Find me in #AmigaCafe as Muttley
| The Wacky Logo is a trademark of ©Wacky Software |
+ +
| The Opinions expressed here are not nessecerily those of my employer, |
+ MI5, the British government, the FBI, the SAS, a sane man, or of the +
| Alien forces in control of my mind. |
Contents of comm/net/SetVoiceMail.lha
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[generic] 3822 7352 52.0% -lh5- c0ec Jul 2 1996 SetVoicemail
[generic] 763 2419 31.5% -lh5- 9c4c Jul 3 1996 SetVoiceMail.Doc
[generic] 848 1571 54.0% -lh5- 9c18 Jul 2 1996 SetVoicemail.info
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Total 3 files 5433 11342 47.9% Jul 5 1996
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