"new world child"
a m a n k i n d d e m o
r e l e a s e d a t e u s k a l p a r t y 7
2 3 - 2 5 j u l y 2 k - 1
Code ............................................. Krabob
Gfx ..................................... Zaac and Grenat
Music ............................................... Tex
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Ah ah.. Come at the Slach party II 21-24 August 1999
(very interesting party) (with a lot of amigas) contact:
It will run in PAL or DBLPAL on any 68020,030,040,or 060
and need about 5 Mo of Fast RAM. Yes? Mmmm
Note that the demo was coded with INTUITION screens.
Some minor bugs may appear on slow machines, SETPATCH must be
A CGX chunky version may be released in a distant future,
so your little children will see it ;-)
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