This is a presentation created for school in 1995 about water and its
importance for life on earth. It has some nice effects, graphics and musics
and even includes a complete gallery of scanned pictures of the former art
class. However, the written stuff is all in german.
You'll have to install the given fonts in your FONTS: directory or
temporarily assign FONTS: to the local fonts directory.
When in the menu, clicking in the upper right, lower right, or lower left
corner will reveal some secret easter eggs.
To quit, press Ctrl-C.
Source code is included, but not very helpful.
Contact address
Any mail, comments or donations welcome:
Chris Hodges Account: 359 68 63
Kennedystr. 8 BLZ : 700 530 70
D-82178 Puchheim Bank : Sparkasse Fürstenfeldbruck
Tel.: +49-89/8005856 WWW:
Email: IRC: platon42 on EfNet